
Cleveland Hungarians in the US Military

Washington, DC – The recently published Cold War to Warm Cooperation, by Coalition Board member Endre Szentkirályi, presents an important new perspective on the history of Hungarians in America. The bilingual volume, published in 2014, tells the story of Cleveland-area Hungarian-Americans who have served in the U.S. military since 1950.




Author Endre Szentkirályi was born and raised in Cleveland. During the course of his research, he identified 330 local military personnel of Hungarian origin, and conducted over 250 interviews.

Among his subjects are 40 officers, including two generals and several colonels. They include many sets of brothers and examples of multi-generational military families, and over a dozen Cleveland Hungarians still serving in the military today.

Their military experiences, as documented in the book, illuminate world historical events from a personal viewpoint.  Most of the subjects served their country proudly, then fit successfully into the civilian world. Many also contributed their talents to Cleveland’s Hungarian social life.

The book also provides details on the ten Cleveland Hungarians who made the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefields of Vietnam.

Cold War to Warm Cooperation can be ordered from the Cleveland Hungarian Museum at:

or from the HM Zrínyi Térképészeti és Kommunikációs Szolgáltató Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft at:

Information on upcoming book-launch events will be posted on the Hungarian American Coalition’s Facebook page.



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