On April 25, 2018, the Hungarian American Coalition (Coalition) honored Dr. Jeanette Gecsy Grasselli Brown, scientist, businesswoman and philanthropist, and the Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute at its 14th annual Gala Dinner.
For this occasion, the Coalition produced a video presentation on Dr. Jeanette Gecsy Grasselli Brown and her remarkable accomplishments, created by Andrea Lauer Rice and Gergely Kiss.
Dr. Jeanette Gecsy Grasselli Brown was awarded for her “decades of outstanding leadership in science, business and community service, and genuine pride in her Hungarian heritage that have strengthened Hungarian American institutions earning the admiration and gratitude of the Hungarian American community”. Her thank you speech can be downloaded here.
Bocskai Rádió also produced an interview with Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice who talks about the importance of this annual event, also showing highlights of the 14th Gala Dinner that can be watched here.
Full video of the speeches at the 14th Gala Dinner: