Placement: Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN), Washington D.C.: September 22, 2016 – January 29, 2017
One of the highlights of Sarolta’s work at GEN was to participate and work in the events of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016. As for her extracurricular activites, Sarolta is very active on social media. She has posted short summaries on each event she attended with the hashtag #hacusa that aims to promote the opportunities CIP provides for young professionals like Sarolta. Furthermore, as the fall of 2016 was a busy time all accross the U.S. with various events organized to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian revolution and freedom fight, Sarolta created a photo compilation video on more than 15 events she attended along with the other CIP interns. She also gave an interview to a small Transylvanian Hungarian online journal ’’ on her experiences on the commemorations she attended that can be downloaded here.
Sarolta Borzási is a graduate currently studying Diplomacy and Intercultural Studies at Sapientia University (Cluj Napoca, Romania). Sarolta is interested in lobbying, education and youth policy, event organization and diplomacy.