Donations to the Coalition’s fund are tax deductible and can be made by sending a check made out to: Hungarian American Coalition – Disaster Relief Fund, to the following address:
Hungarian American Coalition
Red Sludge Disaster Relief Fund
1120 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 280
Washington, DC 20036
Donors who would like to use credit cards can call our office at (202) 296-9505 or (202) 828-8300 or send us a fax at (202) 775-5175 to safely process their donation.
Source: MTI – Sándor H. Szabó
Letter from Coalition President Max Teleki to Red Sludge Fund Donors
October 5, 2011
Coalition Board Approves Projects for Red Sludge Disaster Relief
October 4, 2011
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Coalition has approved five grants to assist in the rebuilding efforts in the vicinity of Devecser, in northwest Hungary. The five grants total approximately $86,000, and are funded from the contributions of individual donors and foundations in the U.S.
Implementation Study for the Red Sludge Disaster Fund
February 25, 2011
The Coalition commissioned a study to determine the specific areas of education that would best profit from the fund, taking into account the social and economic circumstances and the new situation presented by the ecological disaster. The study was prepared by the European Business Polytechnic.
A concrete plan, which enjoys the support of all the local leaders, is emerging for the Coalition’s fund: the renovation of the 200 square-meter former local court building of Devecser, owned by the local government, as a technical high school.
Coalition President Max Teleki Visits the Disaster Area
November 4, 2010
Duna TV Budapest documents Max Teleki's trip to Kolontár and Devecser (in Hungarian)
Governor Pataki Leads US Relief Effort
October 15 2010
Former New York Governor George Pataki Assumes Leadership of the Fundraising Campaign in the United States to Aid Disaster Victims. TV Interview (in English)
The Coalition Establishes a Relief Fund to Help Victims of the Red Sludge Disaster in Hungary
October 8, 2010
Gov. Pataki will spearhead fundraising efforts to benefit the Coalition’s Disaster Relief Fund. The Coalition urges all of their members and other organizations to join this effort and to donate generously, either to the fund established by the Coalition or through the charity of their choice.
Useful Links:
Official Website of the Hungarian Government on the Red Sludge Tragedy
Frequently Asked Questions on the red sludge (only in Hungarian)
Pictures of Hungary's toxic sludge disaster