Noticed in the press
Noticed in the Press
The Hungarian American Coalition is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Its mission is to
identify and promote the interests of the Hungarian-American community. Its goals are:
To foster appreciation of Hungary's history and culture;
To protect and preserve the human and minority rights and cultural heritage of Hungarians
throughout the world;
To encourage educational and cultural interaction between the people of the U.S. and Hungary;
To support democratic institutions and economic development in Hungary.
Education and Culture
Welcomed its 101th John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant Zsófia Mária
Habsburg-Lothringen to Washington, DC. Zsófia, interned for the Coalition from September through December
2024. She represented the Coalition at various events during her internship, including the Summit of the Future, a
UNGA side event in New York City; Annual Meeting of IMF and WBG; events at the United States Institute of
Peace, Wilson Center, Center for Strategic International Studies; and concluded bilateral discussions with Senior
Fellows at the Hudson Institute and government officials at the U.S. Department of State.
Continued the administration of the Bognár Family Hungarian Scholarship Fund. Nine students
received stipends for the 2023-2024 academic year: two scholarship recipients are enrolled in universities in
Hungary; and seven scholarships were awarded to Hungarian students admitted to universities in the Transylvania
region of Romania.
Awarded seventeen Hungarian university students the Dr. Elemér and Éva Kiss Scholarship Awards
for the 2023-2024 academic year. The winners are: Ábel Bagdy, enrolled at Columbia School of International and
Public Affairs’ (New York, NY) Master of International Relations Program; Lea Bagi, an undergraduate student
pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah, GA); Bálint
Bordács, admitted to Georgetown University (Washington, DC) pursuing a Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program;
Bence Dort, attending Life University’s (Marietta, GA) Bachelor of Business Marketing; Máté Dort, pursuing a
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems and Technology at Life University (Marietta, GA); Anna
Júlia Gyenge, attending Cornell University’s (Ithaca, NY) Master’s Program in Apparel Design, Social and
Environmental Sustainability and Innovation; Csenge Gyömbér, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in International
Business and Marketing at Wingate University’s Porter B. Byrum School of Business (Wingate, NC); Dávid
Kéringer, admitted to Orchestra Now’s Master’s Degree Program in Curatorial, Critical and Performance Studies
at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY); Joel Benjamin Krasznai, enrolled at The University of Akron
(Akron, OH) studying Healthcare Administration and Pre-Med; Rahel Krasznai, pursuing an Accelerated
Bachelor of Science – Master of Science in Accounting (B.S./M.S.) Program at The University of Akron (Akron,
OH); Vanda Mayer, a graduate student in journalism at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism
(New York, NY); Barnabás Novák, admitted to California State University (Los Angeles, CA) studying
Computer Science; Patrik Pördi, attending University of Maryland’s (College Park, MD) Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program; Dóra Reizinger, pursuing a Master’s Program of Sport Health Science at Life
University (Marietta, GA); Anna Szantay, an undergraduate student studying Health Science at Long Island
University (Brooklyn, NY); Lili Rebeka Tóth, enrolled at the Center for Curatorial Studies Bard (Annandale-On-
Hudson, NY) pursuing Curatorial Studies; and Anais Voski, a PhD student in Environment and Resources (E-
IPER) minoring in Psychology at Stanford University (Stanford, CA).
2001 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A.
Mailing address: PO Box 57135, Washington, DC 20037, U.S.A.
Phone: (202) 296-9505, Fax (202) 775-5175, E-mail:
Hungarian American Coalition
Received a $275,000 grant from the Charles and Lisa Simonyi Fund for the Arts and Sciences. The
grant was disbursed to the following four programs and institutions: $150,000 was donated to Károly Simonyi
Technical and Vocational School; $50,000 went to Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Károly Simonyi Student College of Advanced Studies; $50,000 was given to Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME) Children’s University and $25,000 was provided to the Foundation for
the Preschool in Egyházasfalu.
Awarded the “Hungarian American Coalition Award” presented to three students of the Bolyai Farkas
High School in Marosvásárhely. Totaling $2,000, the awards were presented for the fifth time. The recipients
were: graduating seniors Ábel Újfalusi, Péter Vajda and 11th grader Tamás Attila Márton, who were
recognized for their outstanding academic achievement and community service. The awards were made possible
by a donation to the Coalition from the Cultural Foundation for Transylvania (CFT).
Hosted Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program Participant Bence Hajdu, who will split his time between the
Coalition and the Tisza Folk Ensemble from October 10, 2023 to June 15, 2024.
Information and advocacy
Operated an Office of Information in Washington, D.C. since 1991.
Maintained contact with US Embassy officials in Hungary. Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi met with US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman at the US Embassy
in Budapest and presented the projects and accomplishments of the Coalition as well as discuss issues of mutual
Maintained contact with Hungarian government officials – Árpád Potápi, Secretary of State for National
Policy; Péter Szilágyi, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for Hungarian communities abroad; Dr. Katalin
Szili, the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Commissioner in charge of Minority Protection and Autonomy; and
Pirityiné Szabó Judit, Head of Department at the State Secretariat of National Policy.
Coalition President Emeritus, Max Teleki met with officials at the State Department, the National Security
Council and Congressional offices, as well as with Hungarian Ambassador, Szabolcs Takács.
Signed a joint 1-year anniversary statement with the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) on
Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2023.
Continued fundraising efforts to assist Hungarian and Ukrainian refugees escaping war-torn Ukraine. With
the generous support of individuals and organizations, the Coalition has raised more than $115,000 since its
inception and supported the following projects and initiatives from its Ukraine Relief Fund in 2023: donated
$5,000 to the Cultural Alliance of Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia (KMKSZ) to assist with a new program
delivering medications and medical care to local Hungarians who are severely ill or disabled.
Attended a memorial conference in honor of Miklós Duray, leader of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia
for four decades and a long-time friend of the Coalition who passed at the end of 2022. The conference, held at
the Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest on April 20, 2023, was organized by the Kisebbségekért – Pro
Minoritate Alapítvány (Pro Minoritate Foundation) and the Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (National
University of Public Service). Zsolt Szekeres, Treasurer of the Coalition and President of HHRF, gave a
presentation on the background and importance of Miklós Duray's stay in the United States between 1988-1989,
as a visiting professor at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Participated in CEEC Advocacy Day on April 26, 2023 at the U.S. Capitol along with 13 ethnic
communities and made the interests of 20 million Americans of Central & East European descent visible on
various meetings with US senators and representatives. The Coalition was represented by President Emeritus Max
Teleki, Coalition member Gabe Rozsa and John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant
Csendike Somogyvári.
Published A Decade of Impact (2012-2022). The 68-page book, an account of the Coalition’s history and
accomplishments, was written by Andrea Lauer Rice and Noémi Bánhidi, and designed by Lorelei Grazier
Continued to update the Coalition’s home page ( ).
Hungarian American Community Affairs
In her capacity as US President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council, Andrea Lauer Rice hosted quarterly
community update calls in both English and Hungarian with 50+ community leaders.
Attended a reception at the Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC to commemorate the 175th anniversary
of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence on March 15, 2023. The Coalition was
represented by John N. Lauer Leadership Training intern Csendike Somogyvári, Dr. Kiss Elemér and Éva
Scholarship recipient Patrik Dominik Pördi (student at University of Maryland’s Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program) and Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program participant Marietta Walter.
Coalition Vice President Dr. Ágnes Virga represented the Coalition at March 15 celebrations to
commemorate the 175th anniversary of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence at the Consulate
General of Hungary in New York and also in Boston at events organized by the Hungarian Society of
Attended and co-sponsored the XI. Hungarian Heritage Day held on April 1, 2023 in Boston, MA,
organized by Coalition member organization Hungarian Society of Massachusetts.
Participated in the Second Annual Hungarian Festival in Washington held on April 29, 2023 in McLean,
VA organized by Coalition member organization Kossuth Foundation. The celebration of Hungarian traditions
attracted more than 700 visitors, from the Hungarian American community and locals alike. Local and national
Hungarian organizations based in Washington also had opportunities to present themselves at their exhibit booths
on the Street of Hungarian Organizations. The Coalition was represented at the event by Coalition President
Andrea Lauer Rice, Marietta Walter, KCsP participant, and Csendike Somogyvári, LTP intern.
Reestablished the Coalition Kávéház series with a conversation entitled "Tour of Hungarian American
Museums Across the US" held on May 18, 2023. The program featured: Melissa Katkó Pepin, American
Hungarian Foundation – New Brunswick, NJ; Éva Szabó, Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum – Cleveland,
OH; Éva Szabó, Orly Museum – Berkeley, CA; Alex and Royanne Kropog, Hungarian Settlement Museum –
Arpadhon, LA; and Zita Horváth, MH Folk Hungarian Heritage Home – Ormond Beach, FL.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi attended the Hungarian
Summit held at Ludovika (National University of Public Service) in Budapest on June 8 organized by Coalition
member organization HungarianHub. The largest Hungarian-American conference brought together an
impressive lineup of US and Hungarian leaders in the fields of higher education and business. The Summit’s
greatest added value is helping Hungarian companies and higher education institutions aiming to establish
American ties and entering overseas markets.
Coalition, President Andrea Lauer Rice participated in the 9th annual conference of the Friends of
Hungary Foundation, held in Budapest on September 15-17, 2023.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and several former LTP interns attended the Zebegény Alumni
Summit on September 16, 2023 in Zebegény, Hungary organized by the Hungary Foundation (HF) and
Quinnipiac University. This event brought together the alumni of all Quinnipiac- and HF-sponsored scholarships,
internships and fellowships and their allies from the business, non-profit and government sector.
Attended and co-sponsored Hungarian Night at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival organized by
Coalition Board member George Pogan in Chagrin Falls, OH on October 6, 2023. The program featured the
screening of ‘56/Z’ directed by Coalition member Réka Pigniczky and Gergő Kiss.
Published the interactive, digital version of the Multimedia Exhibit on the Hungarian Revolution of
1956 curated in 2022 for the Hungarian Freedom Fighter statue unveiling at Millennium Gate Park available at .
Created Discover Hungary! Unveiling a Global Heritage, an English-language traveling exhibit to appeal
to English-speaking audiences and next generation Hungarians interested in their heritage. The exhibit consists of
four three-sided folding panels entitled History of Hungary; Hungarian Diaspora and the Hungarian American
Community; Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin; and Hungarian Inventions and Influential Hungarians.
The full text is available at the exhibit’s website at: The project was financed by the
Bethlen Gábor Fund.
Held its 18 th Annual Gala Dinner honoring Dr. E. Sylvester Vizi and The Béla Bartók Hungarian School
of Boston (Boskola) on October 19, 2023. Dr. Charles Simonyi, Hungarian American software architect and
long-time supporter of the Coalition, was Honorary Chairman of the event, held at the House of Sweden in
Washington, DC. Gala co-Chairs were: Governor George Pataki, Edith K. Lauer and Ambassador György
Habsburg. János Csák, Hungary’s Minister of Culture and Innovation, attended the Gala with a delegation from
the Ministry. At the event, the Coalition also presented two inaugural youth awards: Luca Mórocz received the
John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) Alumni Award and Dániel Barabási, Boston, MA, was the
first recipient of the Community Youth Leadership Award.
Attended 67 th Anniversary Commemoration of 1956 at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington D.C. with
keynote speaker, Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák. Coalition Treasurer Zsolt Szekeres,
were in attendance along with Coalition Board members Piros Pazaurek and Julius Várallyay and Coalition
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi.
Attended the 12th Annual Diaspora Council meeting on November 16, 2023 in Budapest at the Hungarian
Castle Gardens. The Coalition was represented by Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice.
Organized the traditional end-of-year Coalition events in Washington, DC. The events included the annual
Mikulás Dinner, and the Annual General and Board Meetings. The keynote speaker at the Mikulás Dinner
was Hunor Kelemen, President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania.
The Hungarian American Coalition is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Its mission is to
identify and promote the interests of the Hungarian-American community. Its goals are:
To foster appreciation of Hungary's history and culture;
To protect and preserve the human and minority rights and cultural heritage of Hungarians
throughout the world;
To encourage educational and cultural interaction between the people of the U.S. and Hungary;
To support democratic institutions and economic development in Hungary.
Education and Culture
Welcomed its 101th John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant Zsófia Mária
Habsburg-Lothringen to Washington, DC. Zsófia, interned for the Coalition from September through December
2024. She represented the Coalition at various events during her internship, including the Summit of the Future, a
UNGA side event in New York City; Annual Meeting of IMF and WBG; events at the United States Institute of
Peace, Wilson Center, Center for Strategic International Studies; and concluded bilateral discussions with Senior
Fellows at the Hudson Institute and government officials at the U.S. Department of State.
Continued the administration of the Bognár Family Hungarian Scholarship Fund. Nine students
received stipends for the 2023-2024 academic year: two scholarship recipients are enrolled in universities in
Hungary; and seven scholarships were awarded to Hungarian students admitted to universities in the Transylvania
region of Romania.
Awarded seventeen Hungarian university students the Dr. Elemér and Éva Kiss Scholarship Awards
for the 2023-2024 academic year. The winners are: Ábel Bagdy, enrolled at Columbia School of International and
Public Affairs’ (New York, NY) Master of International Relations Program; Lea Bagi, an undergraduate student
pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah, GA); Bálint
Bordács, admitted to Georgetown University (Washington, DC) pursuing a Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program;
Bence Dort, attending Life University’s (Marietta, GA) Bachelor of Business Marketing; Máté Dort, pursuing a
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems and Technology at Life University (Marietta, GA); Anna
Júlia Gyenge, attending Cornell University’s (Ithaca, NY) Master’s Program in Apparel Design, Social and
Environmental Sustainability and Innovation; Csenge Gyömbér, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in International
Business and Marketing at Wingate University’s Porter B. Byrum School of Business (Wingate, NC); Dávid
Kéringer, admitted to Orchestra Now’s Master’s Degree Program in Curatorial, Critical and Performance Studies
at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY); Joel Benjamin Krasznai, enrolled at The University of Akron
(Akron, OH) studying Healthcare Administration and Pre-Med; Rahel Krasznai, pursuing an Accelerated
Bachelor of Science – Master of Science in Accounting (B.S./M.S.) Program at The University of Akron (Akron,
OH); Vanda Mayer, a graduate student in journalism at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism
(New York, NY); Barnabás Novák, admitted to California State University (Los Angeles, CA) studying
Computer Science; Patrik Pördi, attending University of Maryland’s (College Park, MD) Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program; Dóra Reizinger, pursuing a Master’s Program of Sport Health Science at Life
University (Marietta, GA); Anna Szantay, an undergraduate student studying Health Science at Long Island
University (Brooklyn, NY); Lili Rebeka Tóth, enrolled at the Center for Curatorial Studies Bard (Annandale-On-
Hudson, NY) pursuing Curatorial Studies; and Anais Voski, a PhD student in Environment and Resources (E-
IPER) minoring in Psychology at Stanford University (Stanford, CA).
2001 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A.
Mailing address: PO Box 57135, Washington, DC 20037, U.S.A.
Phone: (202) 296-9505, Fax (202) 775-5175, E-mail:
Hungarian American Coalition
Received a $275,000 grant from the Charles and Lisa Simonyi Fund for the Arts and Sciences. The
grant was disbursed to the following four programs and institutions: $150,000 was donated to Károly Simonyi
Technical and Vocational School; $50,000 went to Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Károly Simonyi Student College of Advanced Studies; $50,000 was given to Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME) Children’s University and $25,000 was provided to the Foundation for
the Preschool in Egyházasfalu.
Awarded the “Hungarian American Coalition Award” presented to three students of the Bolyai Farkas
High School in Marosvásárhely. Totaling $2,000, the awards were presented for the fifth time. The recipients
were: graduating seniors Ábel Újfalusi, Péter Vajda and 11th grader Tamás Attila Márton, who were
recognized for their outstanding academic achievement and community service. The awards were made possible
by a donation to the Coalition from the Cultural Foundation for Transylvania (CFT).
Hosted Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program Participant Bence Hajdu, who will split his time between the
Coalition and the Tisza Folk Ensemble from October 10, 2023 to June 15, 2024.
Information and advocacy
Operated an Office of Information in Washington, D.C. since 1991.
Maintained contact with US Embassy officials in Hungary. Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi met with US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman at the US Embassy
in Budapest and presented the projects and accomplishments of the Coalition as well as discuss issues of mutual
Maintained contact with Hungarian government officials – Árpád Potápi, Secretary of State for National
Policy; Péter Szilágyi, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for Hungarian communities abroad; Dr. Katalin
Szili, the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Commissioner in charge of Minority Protection and Autonomy; and
Pirityiné Szabó Judit, Head of Department at the State Secretariat of National Policy.
Coalition President Emeritus, Max Teleki met with officials at the State Department, the National Security
Council and Congressional offices, as well as with Hungarian Ambassador, Szabolcs Takács.
Signed a joint 1-year anniversary statement with the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) on
Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2023.
Continued fundraising efforts to assist Hungarian and Ukrainian refugees escaping war-torn Ukraine. With
the generous support of individuals and organizations, the Coalition has raised more than $115,000 since its
inception and supported the following projects and initiatives from its Ukraine Relief Fund in 2023: donated
$5,000 to the Cultural Alliance of Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia (KMKSZ) to assist with a new program
delivering medications and medical care to local Hungarians who are severely ill or disabled.
Attended a memorial conference in honor of Miklós Duray, leader of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia
for four decades and a long-time friend of the Coalition who passed at the end of 2022. The conference, held at
the Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest on April 20, 2023, was organized by the Kisebbségekért – Pro
Minoritate Alapítvány (Pro Minoritate Foundation) and the Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (National
University of Public Service). Zsolt Szekeres, Treasurer of the Coalition and President of HHRF, gave a
presentation on the background and importance of Miklós Duray's stay in the United States between 1988-1989,
as a visiting professor at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Participated in CEEC Advocacy Day on April 26, 2023 at the U.S. Capitol along with 13 ethnic
communities and made the interests of 20 million Americans of Central & East European descent visible on
various meetings with US senators and representatives. The Coalition was represented by President Emeritus Max
Teleki, Coalition member Gabe Rozsa and John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant
Csendike Somogyvári.
Published A Decade of Impact (2012-2022). The 68-page book, an account of the Coalition’s history and
accomplishments, was written by Andrea Lauer Rice and Noémi Bánhidi, and designed by Lorelei Grazier
Continued to update the Coalition’s home page ( ).
Hungarian American Community Affairs
In her capacity as US President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council, Andrea Lauer Rice hosted quarterly
community update calls in both English and Hungarian with 50+ community leaders.
Attended a reception at the Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC to commemorate the 175th anniversary
of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence on March 15, 2023. The Coalition was
represented by John N. Lauer Leadership Training intern Csendike Somogyvári, Dr. Kiss Elemér and Éva
Scholarship recipient Patrik Dominik Pördi (student at University of Maryland’s Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program) and Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program participant Marietta Walter.
Coalition Vice President Dr. Ágnes Virga represented the Coalition at March 15 celebrations to
commemorate the 175th anniversary of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence at the Consulate
General of Hungary in New York and also in Boston at events organized by the Hungarian Society of
Attended and co-sponsored the XI. Hungarian Heritage Day held on April 1, 2023 in Boston, MA,
organized by Coalition member organization Hungarian Society of Massachusetts.
Participated in the Second Annual Hungarian Festival in Washington held on April 29, 2023 in McLean,
VA organized by Coalition member organization Kossuth Foundation. The celebration of Hungarian traditions
attracted more than 700 visitors, from the Hungarian American community and locals alike. Local and national
Hungarian organizations based in Washington also had opportunities to present themselves at their exhibit booths
on the Street of Hungarian Organizations. The Coalition was represented at the event by Coalition President
Andrea Lauer Rice, Marietta Walter, KCsP participant, and Csendike Somogyvári, LTP intern.
Reestablished the Coalition Kávéház series with a conversation entitled "Tour of Hungarian American
Museums Across the US" held on May 18, 2023. The program featured: Melissa Katkó Pepin, American
Hungarian Foundation – New Brunswick, NJ; Éva Szabó, Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum – Cleveland,
OH; Éva Szabó, Orly Museum – Berkeley, CA; Alex and Royanne Kropog, Hungarian Settlement Museum –
Arpadhon, LA; and Zita Horváth, MH Folk Hungarian Heritage Home – Ormond Beach, FL.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi attended the Hungarian
Summit held at Ludovika (National University of Public Service) in Budapest on June 8 organized by Coalition
member organization HungarianHub. The largest Hungarian-American conference brought together an
impressive lineup of US and Hungarian leaders in the fields of higher education and business. The Summit’s
greatest added value is helping Hungarian companies and higher education institutions aiming to establish
American ties and entering overseas markets.
Coalition, President Andrea Lauer Rice participated in the 9th annual conference of the Friends of
Hungary Foundation, held in Budapest on September 15-17, 2023.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and several former LTP interns attended the Zebegény Alumni
Summit on September 16, 2023 in Zebegény, Hungary organized by the Hungary Foundation (HF) and
Quinnipiac University. This event brought together the alumni of all Quinnipiac- and HF-sponsored scholarships,
internships and fellowships and their allies from the business, non-profit and government sector.
Attended and co-sponsored Hungarian Night at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival organized by
Coalition Board member George Pogan in Chagrin Falls, OH on October 6, 2023. The program featured the
screening of ‘56/Z’ directed by Coalition member Réka Pigniczky and Gergő Kiss.
Published the interactive, digital version of the Multimedia Exhibit on the Hungarian Revolution of
1956 curated in 2022 for the Hungarian Freedom Fighter statue unveiling at Millennium Gate Park available at .
Created Discover Hungary! Unveiling a Global Heritage, an English-language traveling exhibit to appeal
to English-speaking audiences and next generation Hungarians interested in their heritage. The exhibit consists of
four three-sided folding panels entitled History of Hungary; Hungarian Diaspora and the Hungarian American
Community; Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin; and Hungarian Inventions and Influential Hungarians.
The full text is available at the exhibit’s website at: The project was financed by the
Bethlen Gábor Fund.
Held its 18 th Annual Gala Dinner honoring Dr. E. Sylvester Vizi and The Béla Bartók Hungarian School
of Boston (Boskola) on October 19, 2023. Dr. Charles Simonyi, Hungarian American software architect and
long-time supporter of the Coalition, was Honorary Chairman of the event, held at the House of Sweden in
Washington, DC. Gala co-Chairs were: Governor George Pataki, Edith K. Lauer and Ambassador György
Habsburg. János Csák, Hungary’s Minister of Culture and Innovation, attended the Gala with a delegation from
the Ministry. At the event, the Coalition also presented two inaugural youth awards: Luca Mórocz received the
John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) Alumni Award and Dániel Barabási, Boston, MA, was the
first recipient of the Community Youth Leadership Award.
Attended 67 th Anniversary Commemoration of 1956 at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington D.C. with
keynote speaker, Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák. Coalition Treasurer Zsolt Szekeres,
were in attendance along with Coalition Board members Piros Pazaurek and Julius Várallyay and Coalition
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi.
Attended the 12th Annual Diaspora Council meeting on November 16, 2023 in Budapest at the Hungarian
Castle Gardens. The Coalition was represented by Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice.
Organized the traditional end-of-year Coalition events in Washington, DC. The events included the annual
Mikulás Dinner, and the Annual General and Board Meetings. The keynote speaker at the Mikulás Dinner
was Hunor Kelemen, President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania.
The Hungarian American Coalition is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Its mission is to
identify and promote the interests of the Hungarian-American community. Its goals are:
To foster appreciation of Hungary's history and culture;
To protect and preserve the human and minority rights and cultural heritage of Hungarians
throughout the world;
To encourage educational and cultural interaction between the people of the U.S. and Hungary;
To support democratic institutions and economic development in Hungary.
Education and Culture
Welcomed its 101th John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant Zsófia Mária
Habsburg-Lothringen to Washington, DC. Zsófia, interned for the Coalition from September through December
2024. She represented the Coalition at various events during her internship, including the Summit of the Future, a
UNGA side event in New York City; Annual Meeting of IMF and WBG; events at the United States Institute of
Peace, Wilson Center, Center for Strategic International Studies; and concluded bilateral discussions with Senior
Fellows at the Hudson Institute and government officials at the U.S. Department of State.
Continued the administration of the Bognár Family Hungarian Scholarship Fund. Nine students
received stipends for the 2023-2024 academic year: two scholarship recipients are enrolled in universities in
Hungary; and seven scholarships were awarded to Hungarian students admitted to universities in the Transylvania
region of Romania.
Awarded seventeen Hungarian university students the Dr. Elemér and Éva Kiss Scholarship Awards
for the 2023-2024 academic year. The winners are: Ábel Bagdy, enrolled at Columbia School of International and
Public Affairs’ (New York, NY) Master of International Relations Program; Lea Bagi, an undergraduate student
pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah, GA); Bálint
Bordács, admitted to Georgetown University (Washington, DC) pursuing a Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program;
Bence Dort, attending Life University’s (Marietta, GA) Bachelor of Business Marketing; Máté Dort, pursuing a
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems and Technology at Life University (Marietta, GA); Anna
Júlia Gyenge, attending Cornell University’s (Ithaca, NY) Master’s Program in Apparel Design, Social and
Environmental Sustainability and Innovation; Csenge Gyömbér, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in International
Business and Marketing at Wingate University’s Porter B. Byrum School of Business (Wingate, NC); Dávid
Kéringer, admitted to Orchestra Now’s Master’s Degree Program in Curatorial, Critical and Performance Studies
at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY); Joel Benjamin Krasznai, enrolled at The University of Akron
(Akron, OH) studying Healthcare Administration and Pre-Med; Rahel Krasznai, pursuing an Accelerated
Bachelor of Science – Master of Science in Accounting (B.S./M.S.) Program at The University of Akron (Akron,
OH); Vanda Mayer, a graduate student in journalism at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism
(New York, NY); Barnabás Novák, admitted to California State University (Los Angeles, CA) studying
Computer Science; Patrik Pördi, attending University of Maryland’s (College Park, MD) Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program; Dóra Reizinger, pursuing a Master’s Program of Sport Health Science at Life
University (Marietta, GA); Anna Szantay, an undergraduate student studying Health Science at Long Island
University (Brooklyn, NY); Lili Rebeka Tóth, enrolled at the Center for Curatorial Studies Bard (Annandale-On-
Hudson, NY) pursuing Curatorial Studies; and Anais Voski, a PhD student in Environment and Resources (E-
IPER) minoring in Psychology at Stanford University (Stanford, CA).
2001 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A.
Mailing address: PO Box 57135, Washington, DC 20037, U.S.A.
Phone: (202) 296-9505, Fax (202) 775-5175, E-mail:
Hungarian American Coalition
Received a $275,000 grant from the Charles and Lisa Simonyi Fund for the Arts and Sciences. The
grant was disbursed to the following four programs and institutions: $150,000 was donated to Károly Simonyi
Technical and Vocational School; $50,000 went to Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Károly Simonyi Student College of Advanced Studies; $50,000 was given to Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME) Children’s University and $25,000 was provided to the Foundation for
the Preschool in Egyházasfalu.
Awarded the “Hungarian American Coalition Award” presented to three students of the Bolyai Farkas
High School in Marosvásárhely. Totaling $2,000, the awards were presented for the fifth time. The recipients
were: graduating seniors Ábel Újfalusi, Péter Vajda and 11th grader Tamás Attila Márton, who were
recognized for their outstanding academic achievement and community service. The awards were made possible
by a donation to the Coalition from the Cultural Foundation for Transylvania (CFT).
Hosted Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program Participant Bence Hajdu, who will split his time between the
Coalition and the Tisza Folk Ensemble from October 10, 2023 to June 15, 2024.
Information and advocacy
Operated an Office of Information in Washington, D.C. since 1991.
Maintained contact with US Embassy officials in Hungary. Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi met with US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman at the US Embassy
in Budapest and presented the projects and accomplishments of the Coalition as well as discuss issues of mutual
Maintained contact with Hungarian government officials – Árpád Potápi, Secretary of State for National
Policy; Péter Szilágyi, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for Hungarian communities abroad; Dr. Katalin
Szili, the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Commissioner in charge of Minority Protection and Autonomy; and
Pirityiné Szabó Judit, Head of Department at the State Secretariat of National Policy.
Coalition President Emeritus, Max Teleki met with officials at the State Department, the National Security
Council and Congressional offices, as well as with Hungarian Ambassador, Szabolcs Takács.
Signed a joint 1-year anniversary statement with the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) on
Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2023.
Continued fundraising efforts to assist Hungarian and Ukrainian refugees escaping war-torn Ukraine. With
the generous support of individuals and organizations, the Coalition has raised more than $115,000 since its
inception and supported the following projects and initiatives from its Ukraine Relief Fund in 2023: donated
$5,000 to the Cultural Alliance of Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia (KMKSZ) to assist with a new program
delivering medications and medical care to local Hungarians who are severely ill or disabled.
Attended a memorial conference in honor of Miklós Duray, leader of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia
for four decades and a long-time friend of the Coalition who passed at the end of 2022. The conference, held at
the Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest on April 20, 2023, was organized by the Kisebbségekért – Pro
Minoritate Alapítvány (Pro Minoritate Foundation) and the Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (National
University of Public Service). Zsolt Szekeres, Treasurer of the Coalition and President of HHRF, gave a
presentation on the background and importance of Miklós Duray's stay in the United States between 1988-1989,
as a visiting professor at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Participated in CEEC Advocacy Day on April 26, 2023 at the U.S. Capitol along with 13 ethnic
communities and made the interests of 20 million Americans of Central & East European descent visible on
various meetings with US senators and representatives. The Coalition was represented by President Emeritus Max
Teleki, Coalition member Gabe Rozsa and John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant
Csendike Somogyvári.
Published A Decade of Impact (2012-2022). The 68-page book, an account of the Coalition’s history and
accomplishments, was written by Andrea Lauer Rice and Noémi Bánhidi, and designed by Lorelei Grazier
Continued to update the Coalition’s home page ( ).
Hungarian American Community Affairs
In her capacity as US President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council, Andrea Lauer Rice hosted quarterly
community update calls in both English and Hungarian with 50+ community leaders.
Attended a reception at the Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC to commemorate the 175th anniversary
of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence on March 15, 2023. The Coalition was
represented by John N. Lauer Leadership Training intern Csendike Somogyvári, Dr. Kiss Elemér and Éva
Scholarship recipient Patrik Dominik Pördi (student at University of Maryland’s Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program) and Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program participant Marietta Walter.
Coalition Vice President Dr. Ágnes Virga represented the Coalition at March 15 celebrations to
commemorate the 175th anniversary of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence at the Consulate
General of Hungary in New York and also in Boston at events organized by the Hungarian Society of
Attended and co-sponsored the XI. Hungarian Heritage Day held on April 1, 2023 in Boston, MA,
organized by Coalition member organization Hungarian Society of Massachusetts.
Participated in the Second Annual Hungarian Festival in Washington held on April 29, 2023 in McLean,
VA organized by Coalition member organization Kossuth Foundation. The celebration of Hungarian traditions
attracted more than 700 visitors, from the Hungarian American community and locals alike. Local and national
Hungarian organizations based in Washington also had opportunities to present themselves at their exhibit booths
on the Street of Hungarian Organizations. The Coalition was represented at the event by Coalition President
Andrea Lauer Rice, Marietta Walter, KCsP participant, and Csendike Somogyvári, LTP intern.
Reestablished the Coalition Kávéház series with a conversation entitled "Tour of Hungarian American
Museums Across the US" held on May 18, 2023. The program featured: Melissa Katkó Pepin, American
Hungarian Foundation – New Brunswick, NJ; Éva Szabó, Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum – Cleveland,
OH; Éva Szabó, Orly Museum – Berkeley, CA; Alex and Royanne Kropog, Hungarian Settlement Museum –
Arpadhon, LA; and Zita Horváth, MH Folk Hungarian Heritage Home – Ormond Beach, FL.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi attended the Hungarian
Summit held at Ludovika (National University of Public Service) in Budapest on June 8 organized by Coalition
member organization HungarianHub. The largest Hungarian-American conference brought together an
impressive lineup of US and Hungarian leaders in the fields of higher education and business. The Summit’s
greatest added value is helping Hungarian companies and higher education institutions aiming to establish
American ties and entering overseas markets.
Coalition, President Andrea Lauer Rice participated in the 9th annual conference of the Friends of
Hungary Foundation, held in Budapest on September 15-17, 2023.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and several former LTP interns attended the Zebegény Alumni
Summit on September 16, 2023 in Zebegény, Hungary organized by the Hungary Foundation (HF) and
Quinnipiac University. This event brought together the alumni of all Quinnipiac- and HF-sponsored scholarships,
internships and fellowships and their allies from the business, non-profit and government sector.
Attended and co-sponsored Hungarian Night at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival organized by
Coalition Board member George Pogan in Chagrin Falls, OH on October 6, 2023. The program featured the
screening of ‘56/Z’ directed by Coalition member Réka Pigniczky and Gergő Kiss.
Published the interactive, digital version of the Multimedia Exhibit on the Hungarian Revolution of
1956 curated in 2022 for the Hungarian Freedom Fighter statue unveiling at Millennium Gate Park available at .
Created Discover Hungary! Unveiling a Global Heritage, an English-language traveling exhibit to appeal
to English-speaking audiences and next generation Hungarians interested in their heritage. The exhibit consists of
four three-sided folding panels entitled History of Hungary; Hungarian Diaspora and the Hungarian American
Community; Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin; and Hungarian Inventions and Influential Hungarians.
The full text is available at the exhibit’s website at: The project was financed by the
Bethlen Gábor Fund.
Held its 18 th Annual Gala Dinner honoring Dr. E. Sylvester Vizi and The Béla Bartók Hungarian School
of Boston (Boskola) on October 19, 2023. Dr. Charles Simonyi, Hungarian American software architect and
long-time supporter of the Coalition, was Honorary Chairman of the event, held at the House of Sweden in
Washington, DC. Gala co-Chairs were: Governor George Pataki, Edith K. Lauer and Ambassador György
Habsburg. János Csák, Hungary’s Minister of Culture and Innovation, attended the Gala with a delegation from
the Ministry. At the event, the Coalition also presented two inaugural youth awards: Luca Mórocz received the
John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) Alumni Award and Dániel Barabási, Boston, MA, was the
first recipient of the Community Youth Leadership Award.
Attended 67 th Anniversary Commemoration of 1956 at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington D.C. with
keynote speaker, Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák. Coalition Treasurer Zsolt Szekeres,
were in attendance along with Coalition Board members Piros Pazaurek and Julius Várallyay and Coalition
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi.
Attended the 12th Annual Diaspora Council meeting on November 16, 2023 in Budapest at the Hungarian
Castle Gardens. The Coalition was represented by Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice.
Organized the traditional end-of-year Coalition events in Washington, DC. The events included the annual
Mikulás Dinner, and the Annual General and Board Meetings. The keynote speaker at the Mikulás Dinner
was Hunor Kelemen, President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania.
The Hungarian American Coalition is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Its mission is to
identify and promote the interests of the Hungarian-American community. Its goals are:
To foster appreciation of Hungary's history and culture;
To protect and preserve the human and minority rights and cultural heritage of Hungarians
throughout the world;
To encourage educational and cultural interaction between the people of the U.S. and Hungary;
To support democratic institutions and economic development in Hungary.
Education and Culture
Welcomed its 101th John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant Zsófia Mária
Habsburg-Lothringen to Washington, DC. Zsófia, interned for the Coalition from September through December
2024. She represented the Coalition at various events during her internship, including the Summit of the Future, a
UNGA side event in New York City; Annual Meeting of IMF and WBG; events at the United States Institute of
Peace, Wilson Center, Center for Strategic International Studies; and concluded bilateral discussions with Senior
Fellows at the Hudson Institute and government officials at the U.S. Department of State.
Continued the administration of the Bognár Family Hungarian Scholarship Fund. Nine students
received stipends for the 2023-2024 academic year: two scholarship recipients are enrolled in universities in
Hungary; and seven scholarships were awarded to Hungarian students admitted to universities in the Transylvania
region of Romania.
Awarded seventeen Hungarian university students the Dr. Elemér and Éva Kiss Scholarship Awards
for the 2023-2024 academic year. The winners are: Ábel Bagdy, enrolled at Columbia School of International and
Public Affairs’ (New York, NY) Master of International Relations Program; Lea Bagi, an undergraduate student
pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah, GA); Bálint
Bordács, admitted to Georgetown University (Washington, DC) pursuing a Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program;
Bence Dort, attending Life University’s (Marietta, GA) Bachelor of Business Marketing; Máté Dort, pursuing a
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems and Technology at Life University (Marietta, GA); Anna
Júlia Gyenge, attending Cornell University’s (Ithaca, NY) Master’s Program in Apparel Design, Social and
Environmental Sustainability and Innovation; Csenge Gyömbér, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in International
Business and Marketing at Wingate University’s Porter B. Byrum School of Business (Wingate, NC); Dávid
Kéringer, admitted to Orchestra Now’s Master’s Degree Program in Curatorial, Critical and Performance Studies
at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY); Joel Benjamin Krasznai, enrolled at The University of Akron
(Akron, OH) studying Healthcare Administration and Pre-Med; Rahel Krasznai, pursuing an Accelerated
Bachelor of Science – Master of Science in Accounting (B.S./M.S.) Program at The University of Akron (Akron,
OH); Vanda Mayer, a graduate student in journalism at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism
(New York, NY); Barnabás Novák, admitted to California State University (Los Angeles, CA) studying
Computer Science; Patrik Pördi, attending University of Maryland’s (College Park, MD) Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program; Dóra Reizinger, pursuing a Master’s Program of Sport Health Science at Life
University (Marietta, GA); Anna Szantay, an undergraduate student studying Health Science at Long Island
University (Brooklyn, NY); Lili Rebeka Tóth, enrolled at the Center for Curatorial Studies Bard (Annandale-On-
Hudson, NY) pursuing Curatorial Studies; and Anais Voski, a PhD student in Environment and Resources (E-
IPER) minoring in Psychology at Stanford University (Stanford, CA).
2001 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A.
Mailing address: PO Box 57135, Washington, DC 20037, U.S.A.
Phone: (202) 296-9505, Fax (202) 775-5175, E-mail:
Hungarian American Coalition
Received a $275,000 grant from the Charles and Lisa Simonyi Fund for the Arts and Sciences. The
grant was disbursed to the following four programs and institutions: $150,000 was donated to Károly Simonyi
Technical and Vocational School; $50,000 went to Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Károly Simonyi Student College of Advanced Studies; $50,000 was given to Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME) Children’s University and $25,000 was provided to the Foundation for
the Preschool in Egyházasfalu.
Awarded the “Hungarian American Coalition Award” presented to three students of the Bolyai Farkas
High School in Marosvásárhely. Totaling $2,000, the awards were presented for the fifth time. The recipients
were: graduating seniors Ábel Újfalusi, Péter Vajda and 11th grader Tamás Attila Márton, who were
recognized for their outstanding academic achievement and community service. The awards were made possible
by a donation to the Coalition from the Cultural Foundation for Transylvania (CFT).
Hosted Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program Participant Bence Hajdu, who will split his time between the
Coalition and the Tisza Folk Ensemble from October 10, 2023 to June 15, 2024.
Information and advocacy
Operated an Office of Information in Washington, D.C. since 1991.
Maintained contact with US Embassy officials in Hungary. Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi met with US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman at the US Embassy
in Budapest and presented the projects and accomplishments of the Coalition as well as discuss issues of mutual
Maintained contact with Hungarian government officials – Árpád Potápi, Secretary of State for National
Policy; Péter Szilágyi, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for Hungarian communities abroad; Dr. Katalin
Szili, the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Commissioner in charge of Minority Protection and Autonomy; and
Pirityiné Szabó Judit, Head of Department at the State Secretariat of National Policy.
Coalition President Emeritus, Max Teleki met with officials at the State Department, the National Security
Council and Congressional offices, as well as with Hungarian Ambassador, Szabolcs Takács.
Signed a joint 1-year anniversary statement with the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) on
Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2023.
Continued fundraising efforts to assist Hungarian and Ukrainian refugees escaping war-torn Ukraine. With
the generous support of individuals and organizations, the Coalition has raised more than $115,000 since its
inception and supported the following projects and initiatives from its Ukraine Relief Fund in 2023: donated
$5,000 to the Cultural Alliance of Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia (KMKSZ) to assist with a new program
delivering medications and medical care to local Hungarians who are severely ill or disabled.
Attended a memorial conference in honor of Miklós Duray, leader of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia
for four decades and a long-time friend of the Coalition who passed at the end of 2022. The conference, held at
the Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest on April 20, 2023, was organized by the Kisebbségekért – Pro
Minoritate Alapítvány (Pro Minoritate Foundation) and the Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (National
University of Public Service). Zsolt Szekeres, Treasurer of the Coalition and President of HHRF, gave a
presentation on the background and importance of Miklós Duray's stay in the United States between 1988-1989,
as a visiting professor at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Participated in CEEC Advocacy Day on April 26, 2023 at the U.S. Capitol along with 13 ethnic
communities and made the interests of 20 million Americans of Central & East European descent visible on
various meetings with US senators and representatives. The Coalition was represented by President Emeritus Max
Teleki, Coalition member Gabe Rozsa and John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant
Csendike Somogyvári.
Published A Decade of Impact (2012-2022). The 68-page book, an account of the Coalition’s history and
accomplishments, was written by Andrea Lauer Rice and Noémi Bánhidi, and designed by Lorelei Grazier
Continued to update the Coalition’s home page ( ).
Hungarian American Community Affairs
In her capacity as US President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council, Andrea Lauer Rice hosted quarterly
community update calls in both English and Hungarian with 50+ community leaders.
Attended a reception at the Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC to commemorate the 175th anniversary
of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence on March 15, 2023. The Coalition was
represented by John N. Lauer Leadership Training intern Csendike Somogyvári, Dr. Kiss Elemér and Éva
Scholarship recipient Patrik Dominik Pördi (student at University of Maryland’s Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program) and Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program participant Marietta Walter.
Coalition Vice President Dr. Ágnes Virga represented the Coalition at March 15 celebrations to
commemorate the 175th anniversary of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence at the Consulate
General of Hungary in New York and also in Boston at events organized by the Hungarian Society of
Attended and co-sponsored the XI. Hungarian Heritage Day held on April 1, 2023 in Boston, MA,
organized by Coalition member organization Hungarian Society of Massachusetts.
Participated in the Second Annual Hungarian Festival in Washington held on April 29, 2023 in McLean,
VA organized by Coalition member organization Kossuth Foundation. The celebration of Hungarian traditions
attracted more than 700 visitors, from the Hungarian American community and locals alike. Local and national
Hungarian organizations based in Washington also had opportunities to present themselves at their exhibit booths
on the Street of Hungarian Organizations. The Coalition was represented at the event by Coalition President
Andrea Lauer Rice, Marietta Walter, KCsP participant, and Csendike Somogyvári, LTP intern.
Reestablished the Coalition Kávéház series with a conversation entitled "Tour of Hungarian American
Museums Across the US" held on May 18, 2023. The program featured: Melissa Katkó Pepin, American
Hungarian Foundation – New Brunswick, NJ; Éva Szabó, Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum – Cleveland,
OH; Éva Szabó, Orly Museum – Berkeley, CA; Alex and Royanne Kropog, Hungarian Settlement Museum –
Arpadhon, LA; and Zita Horváth, MH Folk Hungarian Heritage Home – Ormond Beach, FL.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi attended the Hungarian
Summit held at Ludovika (National University of Public Service) in Budapest on June 8 organized by Coalition
member organization HungarianHub. The largest Hungarian-American conference brought together an
impressive lineup of US and Hungarian leaders in the fields of higher education and business. The Summit’s
greatest added value is helping Hungarian companies and higher education institutions aiming to establish
American ties and entering overseas markets.
Coalition, President Andrea Lauer Rice participated in the 9th annual conference of the Friends of
Hungary Foundation, held in Budapest on September 15-17, 2023.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and several former LTP interns attended the Zebegény Alumni
Summit on September 16, 2023 in Zebegény, Hungary organized by the Hungary Foundation (HF) and
Quinnipiac University. This event brought together the alumni of all Quinnipiac- and HF-sponsored scholarships,
internships and fellowships and their allies from the business, non-profit and government sector.
Attended and co-sponsored Hungarian Night at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival organized by
Coalition Board member George Pogan in Chagrin Falls, OH on October 6, 2023. The program featured the
screening of ‘56/Z’ directed by Coalition member Réka Pigniczky and Gergő Kiss.
Published the interactive, digital version of the Multimedia Exhibit on the Hungarian Revolution of
1956 curated in 2022 for the Hungarian Freedom Fighter statue unveiling at Millennium Gate Park available at .
Created Discover Hungary! Unveiling a Global Heritage, an English-language traveling exhibit to appeal
to English-speaking audiences and next generation Hungarians interested in their heritage. The exhibit consists of
four three-sided folding panels entitled History of Hungary; Hungarian Diaspora and the Hungarian American
Community; Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin; and Hungarian Inventions and Influential Hungarians.
The full text is available at the exhibit’s website at: The project was financed by the
Bethlen Gábor Fund.
Held its 18 th Annual Gala Dinner honoring Dr. E. Sylvester Vizi and The Béla Bartók Hungarian School
of Boston (Boskola) on October 19, 2023. Dr. Charles Simonyi, Hungarian American software architect and
long-time supporter of the Coalition, was Honorary Chairman of the event, held at the House of Sweden in
Washington, DC. Gala co-Chairs were: Governor George Pataki, Edith K. Lauer and Ambassador György
Habsburg. János Csák, Hungary’s Minister of Culture and Innovation, attended the Gala with a delegation from
the Ministry. At the event, the Coalition also presented two inaugural youth awards: Luca Mórocz received the
John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) Alumni Award and Dániel Barabási, Boston, MA, was the
first recipient of the Community Youth Leadership Award.
Attended 67 th Anniversary Commemoration of 1956 at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington D.C. with
keynote speaker, Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák. Coalition Treasurer Zsolt Szekeres,
were in attendance along with Coalition Board members Piros Pazaurek and Julius Várallyay and Coalition
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi.
Attended the 12th Annual Diaspora Council meeting on November 16, 2023 in Budapest at the Hungarian
Castle Gardens. The Coalition was represented by Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice.
Organized the traditional end-of-year Coalition events in Washington, DC. The events included the annual
Mikulás Dinner, and the Annual General and Board Meetings. The keynote speaker at the Mikulás Dinner
was Hunor Kelemen, President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania.
The Hungarian American Coalition is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Its mission is to
identify and promote the interests of the Hungarian-American community. Its goals are:
To foster appreciation of Hungary's history and culture;
To protect and preserve the human and minority rights and cultural heritage of Hungarians
throughout the world;
To encourage educational and cultural interaction between the people of the U.S. and Hungary;
To support democratic institutions and economic development in Hungary.
Education and Culture
Welcomed its 101th John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant Zsófia Mária
Habsburg-Lothringen to Washington, DC. Zsófia, interned for the Coalition from September through December
2024. She represented the Coalition at various events during her internship, including the Summit of the Future, a
UNGA side event in New York City; Annual Meeting of IMF and WBG; events at the United States Institute of
Peace, Wilson Center, Center for Strategic International Studies; and concluded bilateral discussions with Senior
Fellows at the Hudson Institute and government officials at the U.S. Department of State.
Continued the administration of the Bognár Family Hungarian Scholarship Fund. Nine students
received stipends for the 2023-2024 academic year: two scholarship recipients are enrolled in universities in
Hungary; and seven scholarships were awarded to Hungarian students admitted to universities in the Transylvania
region of Romania.
Awarded seventeen Hungarian university students the Dr. Elemér and Éva Kiss Scholarship Awards
for the 2023-2024 academic year. The winners are: Ábel Bagdy, enrolled at Columbia School of International and
Public Affairs’ (New York, NY) Master of International Relations Program; Lea Bagi, an undergraduate student
pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah, GA); Bálint
Bordács, admitted to Georgetown University (Washington, DC) pursuing a Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program;
Bence Dort, attending Life University’s (Marietta, GA) Bachelor of Business Marketing; Máté Dort, pursuing a
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems and Technology at Life University (Marietta, GA); Anna
Júlia Gyenge, attending Cornell University’s (Ithaca, NY) Master’s Program in Apparel Design, Social and
Environmental Sustainability and Innovation; Csenge Gyömbér, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in International
Business and Marketing at Wingate University’s Porter B. Byrum School of Business (Wingate, NC); Dávid
Kéringer, admitted to Orchestra Now’s Master’s Degree Program in Curatorial, Critical and Performance Studies
at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY); Joel Benjamin Krasznai, enrolled at The University of Akron
(Akron, OH) studying Healthcare Administration and Pre-Med; Rahel Krasznai, pursuing an Accelerated
Bachelor of Science – Master of Science in Accounting (B.S./M.S.) Program at The University of Akron (Akron,
OH); Vanda Mayer, a graduate student in journalism at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism
(New York, NY); Barnabás Novák, admitted to California State University (Los Angeles, CA) studying
Computer Science; Patrik Pördi, attending University of Maryland’s (College Park, MD) Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program; Dóra Reizinger, pursuing a Master’s Program of Sport Health Science at Life
University (Marietta, GA); Anna Szantay, an undergraduate student studying Health Science at Long Island
University (Brooklyn, NY); Lili Rebeka Tóth, enrolled at the Center for Curatorial Studies Bard (Annandale-On-
Hudson, NY) pursuing Curatorial Studies; and Anais Voski, a PhD student in Environment and Resources (E-
IPER) minoring in Psychology at Stanford University (Stanford, CA).
2001 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A.
Mailing address: PO Box 57135, Washington, DC 20037, U.S.A.
Phone: (202) 296-9505, Fax (202) 775-5175, E-mail:
Hungarian American Coalition
Received a $275,000 grant from the Charles and Lisa Simonyi Fund for the Arts and Sciences. The
grant was disbursed to the following four programs and institutions: $150,000 was donated to Károly Simonyi
Technical and Vocational School; $50,000 went to Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Károly Simonyi Student College of Advanced Studies; $50,000 was given to Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME) Children’s University and $25,000 was provided to the Foundation for
the Preschool in Egyházasfalu.
Awarded the “Hungarian American Coalition Award” presented to three students of the Bolyai Farkas
High School in Marosvásárhely. Totaling $2,000, the awards were presented for the fifth time. The recipients
were: graduating seniors Ábel Újfalusi, Péter Vajda and 11th grader Tamás Attila Márton, who were
recognized for their outstanding academic achievement and community service. The awards were made possible
by a donation to the Coalition from the Cultural Foundation for Transylvania (CFT).
Hosted Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program Participant Bence Hajdu, who will split his time between the
Coalition and the Tisza Folk Ensemble from October 10, 2023 to June 15, 2024.
Information and advocacy
Operated an Office of Information in Washington, D.C. since 1991.
Maintained contact with US Embassy officials in Hungary. Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi met with US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman at the US Embassy
in Budapest and presented the projects and accomplishments of the Coalition as well as discuss issues of mutual
Maintained contact with Hungarian government officials – Árpád Potápi, Secretary of State for National
Policy; Péter Szilágyi, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for Hungarian communities abroad; Dr. Katalin
Szili, the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Commissioner in charge of Minority Protection and Autonomy; and
Pirityiné Szabó Judit, Head of Department at the State Secretariat of National Policy.
Coalition President Emeritus, Max Teleki met with officials at the State Department, the National Security
Council and Congressional offices, as well as with Hungarian Ambassador, Szabolcs Takács.
Signed a joint 1-year anniversary statement with the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) on
Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2023.
Continued fundraising efforts to assist Hungarian and Ukrainian refugees escaping war-torn Ukraine. With
the generous support of individuals and organizations, the Coalition has raised more than $115,000 since its
inception and supported the following projects and initiatives from its Ukraine Relief Fund in 2023: donated
$5,000 to the Cultural Alliance of Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia (KMKSZ) to assist with a new program
delivering medications and medical care to local Hungarians who are severely ill or disabled.
Attended a memorial conference in honor of Miklós Duray, leader of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia
for four decades and a long-time friend of the Coalition who passed at the end of 2022. The conference, held at
the Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest on April 20, 2023, was organized by the Kisebbségekért – Pro
Minoritate Alapítvány (Pro Minoritate Foundation) and the Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (National
University of Public Service). Zsolt Szekeres, Treasurer of the Coalition and President of HHRF, gave a
presentation on the background and importance of Miklós Duray's stay in the United States between 1988-1989,
as a visiting professor at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Participated in CEEC Advocacy Day on April 26, 2023 at the U.S. Capitol along with 13 ethnic
communities and made the interests of 20 million Americans of Central & East European descent visible on
various meetings with US senators and representatives. The Coalition was represented by President Emeritus Max
Teleki, Coalition member Gabe Rozsa and John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant
Csendike Somogyvári.
Published A Decade of Impact (2012-2022). The 68-page book, an account of the Coalition’s history and
accomplishments, was written by Andrea Lauer Rice and Noémi Bánhidi, and designed by Lorelei Grazier
Continued to update the Coalition’s home page ( ).
Hungarian American Community Affairs
In her capacity as US President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council, Andrea Lauer Rice hosted quarterly
community update calls in both English and Hungarian with 50+ community leaders.
Attended a reception at the Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC to commemorate the 175th anniversary
of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence on March 15, 2023. The Coalition was
represented by John N. Lauer Leadership Training intern Csendike Somogyvári, Dr. Kiss Elemér and Éva
Scholarship recipient Patrik Dominik Pördi (student at University of Maryland’s Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program) and Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program participant Marietta Walter.
Coalition Vice President Dr. Ágnes Virga represented the Coalition at March 15 celebrations to
commemorate the 175th anniversary of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence at the Consulate
General of Hungary in New York and also in Boston at events organized by the Hungarian Society of
Attended and co-sponsored the XI. Hungarian Heritage Day held on April 1, 2023 in Boston, MA,
organized by Coalition member organization Hungarian Society of Massachusetts.
Participated in the Second Annual Hungarian Festival in Washington held on April 29, 2023 in McLean,
VA organized by Coalition member organization Kossuth Foundation. The celebration of Hungarian traditions
attracted more than 700 visitors, from the Hungarian American community and locals alike. Local and national
Hungarian organizations based in Washington also had opportunities to present themselves at their exhibit booths
on the Street of Hungarian Organizations. The Coalition was represented at the event by Coalition President
Andrea Lauer Rice, Marietta Walter, KCsP participant, and Csendike Somogyvári, LTP intern.
Reestablished the Coalition Kávéház series with a conversation entitled "Tour of Hungarian American
Museums Across the US" held on May 18, 2023. The program featured: Melissa Katkó Pepin, American
Hungarian Foundation – New Brunswick, NJ; Éva Szabó, Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum – Cleveland,
OH; Éva Szabó, Orly Museum – Berkeley, CA; Alex and Royanne Kropog, Hungarian Settlement Museum –
Arpadhon, LA; and Zita Horváth, MH Folk Hungarian Heritage Home – Ormond Beach, FL.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi attended the Hungarian
Summit held at Ludovika (National University of Public Service) in Budapest on June 8 organized by Coalition
member organization HungarianHub. The largest Hungarian-American conference brought together an
impressive lineup of US and Hungarian leaders in the fields of higher education and business. The Summit’s
greatest added value is helping Hungarian companies and higher education institutions aiming to establish
American ties and entering overseas markets.
Coalition, President Andrea Lauer Rice participated in the 9th annual conference of the Friends of
Hungary Foundation, held in Budapest on September 15-17, 2023.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and several former LTP interns attended the Zebegény Alumni
Summit on September 16, 2023 in Zebegény, Hungary organized by the Hungary Foundation (HF) and
Quinnipiac University. This event brought together the alumni of all Quinnipiac- and HF-sponsored scholarships,
internships and fellowships and their allies from the business, non-profit and government sector.
Attended and co-sponsored Hungarian Night at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival organized by
Coalition Board member George Pogan in Chagrin Falls, OH on October 6, 2023. The program featured the
screening of ‘56/Z’ directed by Coalition member Réka Pigniczky and Gergő Kiss.
Published the interactive, digital version of the Multimedia Exhibit on the Hungarian Revolution of
1956 curated in 2022 for the Hungarian Freedom Fighter statue unveiling at Millennium Gate Park available at .
Created Discover Hungary! Unveiling a Global Heritage, an English-language traveling exhibit to appeal
to English-speaking audiences and next generation Hungarians interested in their heritage. The exhibit consists of
four three-sided folding panels entitled History of Hungary; Hungarian Diaspora and the Hungarian American
Community; Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin; and Hungarian Inventions and Influential Hungarians.
The full text is available at the exhibit’s website at: The project was financed by the
Bethlen Gábor Fund.
Held its 18 th Annual Gala Dinner honoring Dr. E. Sylvester Vizi and The Béla Bartók Hungarian School
of Boston (Boskola) on October 19, 2023. Dr. Charles Simonyi, Hungarian American software architect and
long-time supporter of the Coalition, was Honorary Chairman of the event, held at the House of Sweden in
Washington, DC. Gala co-Chairs were: Governor George Pataki, Edith K. Lauer and Ambassador György
Habsburg. János Csák, Hungary’s Minister of Culture and Innovation, attended the Gala with a delegation from
the Ministry. At the event, the Coalition also presented two inaugural youth awards: Luca Mórocz received the
John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) Alumni Award and Dániel Barabási, Boston, MA, was the
first recipient of the Community Youth Leadership Award.
Attended 67 th Anniversary Commemoration of 1956 at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington D.C. with
keynote speaker, Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák. Coalition Treasurer Zsolt Szekeres,
were in attendance along with Coalition Board members Piros Pazaurek and Julius Várallyay and Coalition
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi.
Attended the 12th Annual Diaspora Council meeting on November 16, 2023 in Budapest at the Hungarian
Castle Gardens. The Coalition was represented by Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice.
Organized the traditional end-of-year Coalition events in Washington, DC. The events included the annual
Mikulás Dinner, and the Annual General and Board Meetings. The keynote speaker at the Mikulás Dinner
was Hunor Kelemen, President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania.
The Hungarian American Coalition is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1991. Its mission is to
identify and promote the interests of the Hungarian-American community. Its goals are:
To foster appreciation of Hungary's history and culture;
To protect and preserve the human and minority rights and cultural heritage of Hungarians
throughout the world;
To encourage educational and cultural interaction between the people of the U.S. and Hungary;
To support democratic institutions and economic development in Hungary.
Education and Culture
Welcomed its 101th John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant Zsófia Mária
Habsburg-Lothringen to Washington, DC. Zsófia, interned for the Coalition from September through December
2024. She represented the Coalition at various events during her internship, including the Summit of the Future, a
UNGA side event in New York City; Annual Meeting of IMF and WBG; events at the United States Institute of
Peace, Wilson Center, Center for Strategic International Studies; and concluded bilateral discussions with Senior
Fellows at the Hudson Institute and government officials at the U.S. Department of State.
Continued the administration of the Bognár Family Hungarian Scholarship Fund. Nine students
received stipends for the 2023-2024 academic year: two scholarship recipients are enrolled in universities in
Hungary; and seven scholarships were awarded to Hungarian students admitted to universities in the Transylvania
region of Romania.
Awarded seventeen Hungarian university students the Dr. Elemér and Éva Kiss Scholarship Awards
for the 2023-2024 academic year. The winners are: Ábel Bagdy, enrolled at Columbia School of International and
Public Affairs’ (New York, NY) Master of International Relations Program; Lea Bagi, an undergraduate student
pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at Savannah College of Art and Design (Savannah, GA); Bálint
Bordács, admitted to Georgetown University (Washington, DC) pursuing a Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program;
Bence Dort, attending Life University’s (Marietta, GA) Bachelor of Business Marketing; Máté Dort, pursuing a
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems and Technology at Life University (Marietta, GA); Anna
Júlia Gyenge, attending Cornell University’s (Ithaca, NY) Master’s Program in Apparel Design, Social and
Environmental Sustainability and Innovation; Csenge Gyömbér, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in International
Business and Marketing at Wingate University’s Porter B. Byrum School of Business (Wingate, NC); Dávid
Kéringer, admitted to Orchestra Now’s Master’s Degree Program in Curatorial, Critical and Performance Studies
at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY); Joel Benjamin Krasznai, enrolled at The University of Akron
(Akron, OH) studying Healthcare Administration and Pre-Med; Rahel Krasznai, pursuing an Accelerated
Bachelor of Science – Master of Science in Accounting (B.S./M.S.) Program at The University of Akron (Akron,
OH); Vanda Mayer, a graduate student in journalism at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism
(New York, NY); Barnabás Novák, admitted to California State University (Los Angeles, CA) studying
Computer Science; Patrik Pördi, attending University of Maryland’s (College Park, MD) Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program; Dóra Reizinger, pursuing a Master’s Program of Sport Health Science at Life
University (Marietta, GA); Anna Szantay, an undergraduate student studying Health Science at Long Island
University (Brooklyn, NY); Lili Rebeka Tóth, enrolled at the Center for Curatorial Studies Bard (Annandale-On-
Hudson, NY) pursuing Curatorial Studies; and Anais Voski, a PhD student in Environment and Resources (E-
IPER) minoring in Psychology at Stanford University (Stanford, CA).
2001 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A.
Mailing address: PO Box 57135, Washington, DC 20037, U.S.A.
Phone: (202) 296-9505, Fax (202) 775-5175, E-mail:
Hungarian American Coalition
Received a $275,000 grant from the Charles and Lisa Simonyi Fund for the Arts and Sciences. The
grant was disbursed to the following four programs and institutions: $150,000 was donated to Károly Simonyi
Technical and Vocational School; $50,000 went to Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
Károly Simonyi Student College of Advanced Studies; $50,000 was given to Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME) Children’s University and $25,000 was provided to the Foundation for
the Preschool in Egyházasfalu.
Awarded the “Hungarian American Coalition Award” presented to three students of the Bolyai Farkas
High School in Marosvásárhely. Totaling $2,000, the awards were presented for the fifth time. The recipients
were: graduating seniors Ábel Újfalusi, Péter Vajda and 11th grader Tamás Attila Márton, who were
recognized for their outstanding academic achievement and community service. The awards were made possible
by a donation to the Coalition from the Cultural Foundation for Transylvania (CFT).
Hosted Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program Participant Bence Hajdu, who will split his time between the
Coalition and the Tisza Folk Ensemble from October 10, 2023 to June 15, 2024.
Information and advocacy
Operated an Office of Information in Washington, D.C. since 1991.
Maintained contact with US Embassy officials in Hungary. Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi met with US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman at the US Embassy
in Budapest and presented the projects and accomplishments of the Coalition as well as discuss issues of mutual
Maintained contact with Hungarian government officials – Árpád Potápi, Secretary of State for National
Policy; Péter Szilágyi, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for Hungarian communities abroad; Dr. Katalin
Szili, the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Commissioner in charge of Minority Protection and Autonomy; and
Pirityiné Szabó Judit, Head of Department at the State Secretariat of National Policy.
Coalition President Emeritus, Max Teleki met with officials at the State Department, the National Security
Council and Congressional offices, as well as with Hungarian Ambassador, Szabolcs Takács.
Signed a joint 1-year anniversary statement with the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) on
Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2023.
Continued fundraising efforts to assist Hungarian and Ukrainian refugees escaping war-torn Ukraine. With
the generous support of individuals and organizations, the Coalition has raised more than $115,000 since its
inception and supported the following projects and initiatives from its Ukraine Relief Fund in 2023: donated
$5,000 to the Cultural Alliance of Hungarians in Sub-Carpathia (KMKSZ) to assist with a new program
delivering medications and medical care to local Hungarians who are severely ill or disabled.
Attended a memorial conference in honor of Miklós Duray, leader of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia
for four decades and a long-time friend of the Coalition who passed at the end of 2022. The conference, held at
the Hungarian Parliament Building in Budapest on April 20, 2023, was organized by the Kisebbségekért – Pro
Minoritate Alapítvány (Pro Minoritate Foundation) and the Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (National
University of Public Service). Zsolt Szekeres, Treasurer of the Coalition and President of HHRF, gave a
presentation on the background and importance of Miklós Duray's stay in the United States between 1988-1989,
as a visiting professor at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Participated in CEEC Advocacy Day on April 26, 2023 at the U.S. Capitol along with 13 ethnic
communities and made the interests of 20 million Americans of Central & East European descent visible on
various meetings with US senators and representatives. The Coalition was represented by President Emeritus Max
Teleki, Coalition member Gabe Rozsa and John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) participant
Csendike Somogyvári.
Published A Decade of Impact (2012-2022). The 68-page book, an account of the Coalition’s history and
accomplishments, was written by Andrea Lauer Rice and Noémi Bánhidi, and designed by Lorelei Grazier
Continued to update the Coalition’s home page ( ).
Hungarian American Community Affairs
In her capacity as US President of the Hungarian Diaspora Council, Andrea Lauer Rice hosted quarterly
community update calls in both English and Hungarian with 50+ community leaders.
Attended a reception at the Embassy of Hungary in Washington DC to commemorate the 175th anniversary
of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence on March 15, 2023. The Coalition was
represented by John N. Lauer Leadership Training intern Csendike Somogyvári, Dr. Kiss Elemér and Éva
Scholarship recipient Patrik Dominik Pördi (student at University of Maryland’s Professional Master of
Engineering in Robotics Program) and Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program participant Marietta Walter.
Coalition Vice President Dr. Ágnes Virga represented the Coalition at March 15 celebrations to
commemorate the 175th anniversary of 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence at the Consulate
General of Hungary in New York and also in Boston at events organized by the Hungarian Society of
Attended and co-sponsored the XI. Hungarian Heritage Day held on April 1, 2023 in Boston, MA,
organized by Coalition member organization Hungarian Society of Massachusetts.
Participated in the Second Annual Hungarian Festival in Washington held on April 29, 2023 in McLean,
VA organized by Coalition member organization Kossuth Foundation. The celebration of Hungarian traditions
attracted more than 700 visitors, from the Hungarian American community and locals alike. Local and national
Hungarian organizations based in Washington also had opportunities to present themselves at their exhibit booths
on the Street of Hungarian Organizations. The Coalition was represented at the event by Coalition President
Andrea Lauer Rice, Marietta Walter, KCsP participant, and Csendike Somogyvári, LTP intern.
Reestablished the Coalition Kávéház series with a conversation entitled "Tour of Hungarian American
Museums Across the US" held on May 18, 2023. The program featured: Melissa Katkó Pepin, American
Hungarian Foundation – New Brunswick, NJ; Éva Szabó, Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum – Cleveland,
OH; Éva Szabó, Orly Museum – Berkeley, CA; Alex and Royanne Kropog, Hungarian Settlement Museum –
Arpadhon, LA; and Zita Horváth, MH Folk Hungarian Heritage Home – Ormond Beach, FL.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi attended the Hungarian
Summit held at Ludovika (National University of Public Service) in Budapest on June 8 organized by Coalition
member organization HungarianHub. The largest Hungarian-American conference brought together an
impressive lineup of US and Hungarian leaders in the fields of higher education and business. The Summit’s
greatest added value is helping Hungarian companies and higher education institutions aiming to establish
American ties and entering overseas markets.
Coalition, President Andrea Lauer Rice participated in the 9th annual conference of the Friends of
Hungary Foundation, held in Budapest on September 15-17, 2023.
Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice and several former LTP interns attended the Zebegény Alumni
Summit on September 16, 2023 in Zebegény, Hungary organized by the Hungary Foundation (HF) and
Quinnipiac University. This event brought together the alumni of all Quinnipiac- and HF-sponsored scholarships,
internships and fellowships and their allies from the business, non-profit and government sector.
Attended and co-sponsored Hungarian Night at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival organized by
Coalition Board member George Pogan in Chagrin Falls, OH on October 6, 2023. The program featured the
screening of ‘56/Z’ directed by Coalition member Réka Pigniczky and Gergő Kiss.
Published the interactive, digital version of the Multimedia Exhibit on the Hungarian Revolution of
1956 curated in 2022 for the Hungarian Freedom Fighter statue unveiling at Millennium Gate Park available at .
Created Discover Hungary! Unveiling a Global Heritage, an English-language traveling exhibit to appeal
to English-speaking audiences and next generation Hungarians interested in their heritage. The exhibit consists of
four three-sided folding panels entitled History of Hungary; Hungarian Diaspora and the Hungarian American
Community; Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin; and Hungarian Inventions and Influential Hungarians.
The full text is available at the exhibit’s website at: The project was financed by the
Bethlen Gábor Fund.
Held its 18 th Annual Gala Dinner honoring Dr. E. Sylvester Vizi and The Béla Bartók Hungarian School
of Boston (Boskola) on October 19, 2023. Dr. Charles Simonyi, Hungarian American software architect and
long-time supporter of the Coalition, was Honorary Chairman of the event, held at the House of Sweden in
Washington, DC. Gala co-Chairs were: Governor George Pataki, Edith K. Lauer and Ambassador György
Habsburg. János Csák, Hungary’s Minister of Culture and Innovation, attended the Gala with a delegation from
the Ministry. At the event, the Coalition also presented two inaugural youth awards: Luca Mórocz received the
John N. Lauer Leadership Training Program (LTP) Alumni Award and Dániel Barabási, Boston, MA, was the
first recipient of the Community Youth Leadership Award.
Attended 67 th Anniversary Commemoration of 1956 at the Hungarian Embassy in Washington D.C. with
keynote speaker, Hungarian Minister of Culture and Innovation János Csák. Coalition Treasurer Zsolt Szekeres,
were in attendance along with Coalition Board members Piros Pazaurek and Julius Várallyay and Coalition
Program Coordinator Noémi Bánhidi.
Attended the 12th Annual Diaspora Council meeting on November 16, 2023 in Budapest at the Hungarian
Castle Gardens. The Coalition was represented by Coalition President Andrea Lauer Rice.
Organized the traditional end-of-year Coalition events in Washington, DC. The events included the annual
Mikulás Dinner, and the Annual General and Board Meetings. The keynote speaker at the Mikulás Dinner
was Hunor Kelemen, President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania.