News | Noticed in the Press 2016

Noticed in the Press – July 24, 2016

In the July 21 edition of the Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet, an opinion piece by István Dobozi: "Amerikai elnökválasztás: Cleveland után"

Also, a summary in English: "Presidential election: After Cleveland"


In the July 23-24 issue of the Wall Street Journal, a book review by Elliot Ackerman: "Thou Shalt Not"

The book is "Stone Tablets" by Wojciech Zukrowski, Paul Dry, $22, 733 pages.

There is reference to the Hungarian revolution of 1956.


In the July 24 edition of The Washington Post, an obituary by Emily Langer: "Howard Raiffa, 92  A leader in the study of how decisions are made"



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