News | Noticed in the Press 2009

Noticed in the Press 2009

December 28

  • An article from the holiday issue of The Economist dealing with the idea of human progress in the modern age. In the piece “Onwards and Upwards”, there is extensive reference to the Hungarian dramatic poem “The Tragedy of Man”, first published in 1861, by Imre Madach (1823-1864).

  • comment by Barrymore Laurence Scherer on Hector Berlioz’s ‘L’Enfance du Christ’ in the December 26 issue of The Wall Street Journal.

  • An editorial in the December 27 issue of The Washington Post: “Redefining Human Rights”.

December 25

  • poem by Endre Ady: “Christmas bells”.

December 11

  • An op-ed by Kathleen Parker in yesterday’s Washington Post: “An American Triumph at Oslo”.

  • In the same issue, an opinion piece by Fred Hiatt: “Does Japan Still Matter?”.

December 9

  • news item from today’s Embassy Row of the Washington Times featuring Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai, former Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi, and Maximilian Teleki, president of the Hungarian American Coalition with remarks made on the evening of December 4, 2009 at the annual Mikulas Dinner of the Hungarian American Coalition at the Embassy of Hungary.

November 28

  • A press report of an interview with Amb. Bela Szombati in the Embassy Row column of the Washington Times of November 18, 2009: “Ready for Rebound”.

  • Letter to the Editor commenting on the above report by Frank Koszorus, Jr. with the title “Hungary for More” in the November 27, 2009 issue of the Washington Times.

  • In the same issue, an Embassy Row report featuring former Romanian Ambassador Mircea Geoana, leader of the Social Democratic Party of Romania, and contender in the ongoing presidential election.

November 26

  • From today’s Washington Times the Thanksgiving Proclamationby our first and second presidents issued in 1789 and 1798, respectively, in the then-nation’s capitals of New York and Philadelphia.

November 21

  • An article by Leslie Hook in the November 20, 2009 issue of The Wall Street Journal: “The China President Obama Didn’t See” ‘Dissident Intellectuals have been attracted to Christianity’.

  • In the same issue of The Wall Street Journal, a book review by Arthur Herman: “Mercantilist Destiny” ‘America as an imperium with the look of a great emporium’.
    The book is “Dominion From Sea to Sea” by Bruce Cumings, Yale, $38, 641p.

  • An op-ed by in the Washington Post of November 20, 2009 by Peter R. Orszag, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, on health care reform: “A leap forward to better care”.

November 14

  • An op-ed by Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum in the November 9 edition of the Post: “After the Wall Fell” ‘ Central Europe’s success deserves more attention’.

  • An article in The Washington Times of November 13, by Raphael G. Satter: “Diary that exposed Stalin’s famine goes on display”.

November 10

  • In today’s Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet, an interview with Maximilian Teleki, president of the Hungarian American Coalition, in Hungarian, by Valeria Kormos.

  • Also attached, an English translation of the above Magyar Nemzet interview: “The Power of Non-Governmental Organizations – Message from Overseas”.

  • Also, a Proclamation issued by the White House, designating November 9, 2009, as World Freedom Day, on occasion of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

November 7

  • An op-ed by Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post of Tuesday, November 3: “Europe’s Quiet Leader”.

  • An interview with Adam Michnik in the Weekend Edition of November 6, of the Wall Street Journal, by Matthew Kaminski: “From Solidarity to Democracy” ‘A Polish dissident reflects on the liberation of Eastern Europe 20 years later’.

November 2

  • An English translation of an interview with Maximilian Teleki, president of the Hungarian Coalition, in the Hungarian weekly “Heti Valasz” of October 29, 2009, with the title: “Slovak Policies are Unacceptable”. ‘Slovak-Hungarian Clash in Washington, DC: We Were Better’. Here is the original Hungarian text.

  • An article by Paul Hollander in today’s Washington Post: “Murderous Idealism” There is a reference to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

October 24

  • A White House press release issued on October 23, 2009, on occasion of the 53rd anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

  • An article by Edward Cody in yesterday’s Washington Post: “Europe’s future tangled by its past”. There is a reference to Slovakia and the Benes Decrees.

  • An report by William Kole in the October 19, 2009 issue of The Washington Times: “Communist Europe’s files still trickling out”. There is a reference to Hungary.

October 18

  • A book review by Timothy Garton Ash in the New York Review of Books issue of November 5, 2009: “1989!”

  • A book review by Joseph C. Goulden in today’s Washington Times. The book is “The Anti-Communist Manifestos: Four Books that Shaped the Cold War” by John V. Fleming, Norton, $27.95, 368p.

  • In today’s Washington Post a book review by Jonathan Yardley. The book is:
    “Enemies of the People” ‘My Family’s Journey to America’ by Kati Marton, Simon & Schuster, $26, 272p.

October 13

  • An article in today’s Wall Street Journal: “US Politician Pataki’s Criticism Peeves Slovak PM”.

  • From the weekend edition of the same paper, a book review by Edward E. Ericson Jr.: “Re-Entering the ‘First Circle’” ‘The authoritative text of Solzhenitsyn’s novel is finally available in the West’.

October 7

  • An op-ed in today’s Washington Post by Anthony Appiah, professor of philosophy at Princeton University and president of the Board of Trustees of the PEN American Center: “Russia’s War on Words”.

  • An article by Philip Pan in yesterday’s Washington Post: “Ukraine-Russia Tensions Evident in Crimea”.

  • An article by Eli Lake in today’s Washington Times: “Rights groups see Obama wavering”.

October 5

  • report by Eli Lake in the October 2 issue of The Washington Times: “Obama agrees to keep Israel’s nukes secret”.

  • An op-ed by Jackson Diehl in the Sunday edition of The Washington Post: “The Coming Failure on Iran”.

  • In the same issue, an article by whistleblower Peter W. Galbraith: “What I Saw In the Afghan Election”.

October 2

From the Washington Post, three op-ed pieces highlighting the observance of human rights as an important U.S. policy component towards Iran.

  • In the September 29 issue, columnist Anne Applebaum: “A Big Card to Play in Iran”.

  • In the September 30 issue, an opinion piece by Robert Kagan: “Forget the Nukes” ‘The Most Fruitful Target Is Iran’s Weakening Regime’.

  • In the same issue: “A Human Rights Lever for Iran” by AndrewAlbertson and Ali G. Scotten.

September 29

  • From the September 25 issue of the Wall Street Journal, areport by Anthony H. Cordesman: “The Iran Attack Plan”.

  • In last Saturday’s Wall Street Journal, an article by David Mermelstein on Ignaz Friedman: “A Pianist Rediscovered”.

  • A book review by Michael Dobbs in last Sunday’s Washington Post: “The Brain That Won Us the Cold War” There is a reference to John von Neumann.
    The book is “A Fiery Peace in a Cold War” ‘Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon’ by Neil Sheehan, Random House, $32, 534 p.

September 26

  • An op-ed by Anne Applebaum in last Tuesday’s Washington Post: “Letting Europe Drift”.

  • An op-ed by columnist David Broder in last Thursday’s Washington Post: “Mr. Policy Hits a Wall” The writer makes reference to an article by William Schambra, Director of the Hudson Institute’s Bradley Center for Philanthropy and Civic Renewal, in National Review, with the title: “Obama and the Policy Approach”.

  • An op-ed by columnist Charles Krauthammer in yesterday’s Washington Post; a tribute to the recently departed Irving Kristol (1920-2009): “A Great Good Man”.

September 21

  • An op-ed in Sunday’s New York Times by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates: “A Better Missile Defense for a Safer Europe”.

  • In yesterday’s Washington Post an article by Professor Stephen M. Walt of Harvard University: “Settling for Failure in the Middle East” The writer is co-author of “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” and contributing editor of Foreign Policy magazine.

  • In the same issue, an article by Clay Risen, managing editor of “Democracy: A Journal of Ideas”, on European politicians and the use of the internet: “Puttering Along the Digital Autobahn”.

September 19

  • An article by Jon Ward in yesterday’s Washington Times: “U.S. missile shift tied to Russian talks” The article features Mrs. Toby Gati, who was adviser to president Clinton on Russia.

  • An op-ed by David J. Kramer in yesterday’s Washington Post: “Placating Russia Won’t Work”.

  • report on the death of Irving Kristol (1920-2009) in today’s Washington Post: “Editor was Godfather of Neoconservatism”.

September 17

  • An article in last Sunday’s issue of the Los Angeles Times: “The picnic that brought down the Berlin Wall” ‘In one of history’s hidden turning points, a gambit by Hungarian officials opened the door to the collapse of the Eastern Bloc’.

  • An op-ed by Washington columnist Anne Applebaum in the edition of September 15: “Chipping Away at Free Speech”.

  • A book review in last Sunday’s Washington Post by Jacob Heilbrunn: “Which of These Men Won the Cold War”.
    The book is “The Hawk and the Dove” ‘Paul Nitze and George Kennan, And the History of the Cold War’ by Nicholas Thompson, Henry Holt, $27.50, 403p.

September 12

  • A brief report by Sebnem Arsu in yesterday’s issue of The New York Times: “Turkey: Kurdish Studies Approved”.

  • An obituary in the September 10 issue of the Washington Post. Physicist Louis Rosen, 91, worked with Hungarian-born physicist Edward Teller (1908-2003) on a test to prove that nuclear fusion has been achieved.

  • An op-ed by columnist Paul Krugman in the September 6 issue of The New York Times: “How Did Economists Get It So Wrong?”

September 8

  • An op-ed by Anne Applebaum in today’s Washington Post: “Will Obama Fight for Afghanistan?”.

  • report by Natalie Feduschak in yesterday’s Washington Times: “Poles, Jews coming to terms with history”.

  • book review from last Sunday’s Washington Times: “War and linguistics, Vatican spies” by Joseph C. Goulden.
    The books are: “Deciphering the Rising Sun” by Roger Dingman, Naval Institute Press, $29.95, 340 p. illus. and
    “Spies in the Vatican” by John O. Koehler, Pegasus Books, $26.95, 296 p. illus.

September 6

  • book review by Gerard DeGroot in today’s Washington Post: “When the Iron Curtain Unraveled”.
    The book is “The Year that Changed the World” ‘The Untold Story Behind the Fall of the Berlin Wall’ by Michael Meyer, Scribner, 239 p. $26.

  • report by Audrey Kauffmann in last Friday’s Washington Times: “Hitler’s Olympic deception” There is reference to a Hungarian athlete, Ibolya Csak, who won a gold medal.

  • A brief report from the Embassy Row column of the September 2 issue of the Washington Times by James Morrison: “Gays in Hungary”.

September 2

  • An op-ed by columnist Anne Applebaum in last Sunday’s Washington Post: “The Polish Prologue”.

  • report by Deborah Dietsch in last Sunday’s Washington Times on the research of Ms. Nancy Yeide of the National Gallery of Art on art stolen in Nazi-occupied Europe: “ART: Sleuthing for looted paintings”.

  • commentary by Helle Dale of the Heritage Foundation in the September 1, 2009 issue of the Washington Times: “Obama not smooth on Gdansk”.

August 29

  • An article from The Economist with the title: “Frost bite” ‘Icy relations between Hungary and Slovakia turn even frostier’.

  • report from Jon Ward in the August 25 issue of the Washington Times: “Obama’s term ‘empire of envoys’. Matthew Mosk and David R. Sands contributed to the report.

  • In the same issue, a book review by Sol Schindler: “Major Farran’s Hat”. 
    The book is “Major Farran’s Hat: The Untold Story of the Struggle to Establish the Jewish State” by David Cesarini, Da Capo Press, $26, 302 p. illus.

August 25

  • An op-ed by columnist Masha Lipman in yesterday’s Washington Post: “Where Violence Flourishes”.

  • From Sunday’s Washington Post, a report by T.R. Reid: “5 Myths About Health Care Around the World”.

  • As the school year starts, a psychologist argues that teaching and learning requires substantial preparation and involvement on part of educators and parents. From Sunday’s Washington Times, Gabriella Boston reports: “Kid’s brains not ready for analytical thought”.

August 19

  • An article in today’s Washington Post by Adam Bernstein on the passing of reporter Robert D. Novak (1931-2009): “Combative Writer Broke High Stake Scoops”.

  • In the same issue, fellow columnist David Broder comments on Robert Novak: “The Company Bob Novak kept”.

  • From last Sunday’s Washington Times, a report by Ann Geracimos on the new director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis S. Collins: “NIH Director Speaks ‘Language of God’ “.

August 7

  • An article from the August 6 issue of The Washington Times by Robert Barr: “Britain’s last WWI vet to be honored at funeral”.

  • Two book reviews from the same paper:
    One by Doug Bandow. The book is “First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia” by David N. Gibbs, Vanderbuilt U. Press, $27.95, 327 p.

  • The other is by Martin Sieff, with a review entitled: “When Charles met Suleyman”.
    The book is “Defenders of the Faith” by James Reston Jr., Penguin Press, $29.95, 407 p.
    There is a reference to the battle of Mohacs in Hungary.

July 29

  • An article in yesterday’s Financial Times by Jan Cienski, commenting on Slovakia’s economy: “A Victim of Its Own Success”.

July 23

  • An article in today’s Washington Times, on the new U.S. Ambassador to Romania, Mark Gitenstein.

  • From today’s Wall Street Journal a book review by Norman Lebrecht: “Genius in Exile”.
    The book is “A Windfall of Musicians” by Dorothy Lamb Crawford. There is a reference to composer Bela Bartok.

July 18

  • An op-ed in yesterday’s Washington Post by Tanya Lokshina, Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch in Russia, commenting on the murder of Natasha Estemirova: “Another Voice Silenced in Russia”.

  • An op-ed by columnist Michael Gerson in last Wednesday’s issue of the Washington Post, on the appointment of Francis Collins to lead the National Institutes of Health : “Obama’s Scientific Peacemaker”.

  • A book review in the Thursday’s issue of the Washington Post by Michael Dirda: “A Woman of Masterful Persuasion”.
    The book is “American Austen” ‘The Forgotten Writing of Agnes Repplier’ Edited by John Lukacs, ISI, $25, 354 p.

July 11

  • An obituary of Gen. Bela Kiraly (1912-2009) by George Gomori in The Guardian of July 9.

  • In yesterday’s issue of the Washington Times, the ‘Embassy Row’ column, featuring departing press secretary of the Hungarian Embassy in Washington, DC, Zoltan Feher.

  • An opinion piece by Arnaud de Borchgrave in Thursday’s issue of the Washington Times: “Israeli know-how”. There is a reference to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

July 8

  • The death of Gen. Bela Kiraly as reported by Margalit Fox in today’s New York Times: “Bela Kiraly Dies at 97; Led Revolt in Hungary”.

July 7

  • An article in the Washington Times of July 6 by Nicholas Clayton on the Nabucco gas pipeline. There is a reference to Hungary.

  • A book review by Marie Arana in the Washington Post of July 2.   The book is “The Ascent of George Washington”  ‘The Hidden Political Genius of An American Icon’ by John Ferling, Bloomsbury,  $30, 438 p.

  • A book review by Martin Ruben on two books by James G. McDonald in the Sunday, July 5, issue of the Washington Times:  “one of the unsung angels in the dreadful story of Hitler’s Holocaust”.

July 3

          In the Wall Street Journal of July 2,  two articles related to
        Thomas Jefferson.

  • “Two Centuries On, A Cryptologist Cracks a Presidential Code”  by Rachel E. Silverman and “Thomas Jefferson, Musician”  by Barrymore L. Scherer.

  • In the Washington Times of June 29, an article about Apostle St. Paul: “Remains of St. Paul Confirmed”.

June 28

  • commentary by Jeremy Lott in the June 25 issue of Politico:  “Will U.S. boots march on Iran?”.

  • An opinion piece by former prime minister of Spain, Jose Marias Aznar in the June 27 issue of the Wall Street Journal: “Silence Has Consequences for Iran”,  ‘The less we protest, the more people will die’.

  • In the June 26 issue of the Wall Street Journal, a book reviewby Marc Arkin: “Highway to Heaven”.
    The book is: “Predestination: The American Career of a Contentious Doctrine” by Peter J. Thuesen, Oxford, 307 p. $29.95.

June 24

  • An op-ed by Masha Lipman in last Saturday’s Washington Post:  “Russia, Again Evading History”.

  • An op-ed by Anne Applebaum  in yesterday’s Washington Post:  “An Overlooked Force in Iran”.

  • In the same issue, an op-ed by Andrew S. Natsios:  “Obama, Adrift on Sudan”.

June 22

  • commentary related to developments in Iran, by Susan Jacoby in last Saturday’s Washington Post: “Theocracy Destroys Democracy”.

  • In yesterday’s issue of the Washington Post, an op-ed by columnist Michael Gerson: “Realism in Iran?  It’s Called Freedom”. 
    Both writers mention, in their respective opinion pieces, the  Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

June 20

  • An op-ed by Robert Novak in The Washington Post of June 18:  "Bush's Veto Strategy".

  • An op-ed by Paul Belien in today's Washington Times: "The EUSSR".

June 19

     A report and two opinion pieces about the situation in Iran.

  • report from today’s Wall Street Journal, ‘Voices from Iran’ by editor Bari Weiss: ‘The Fear Is Gone’.

  • In today’s Washington Post, an op-ed by Charles Krauthammer, with the title: “Hope and Change – but Not for Iran”.

  • Also, in the same issue of the Washington Post, Paul Wolfowitz has an op-ed entitled: “ ‘No Comment’ is Not an Option”.

June 13

  • An commentary from last Tuesday’s Washington Times by Tony Blankley:  “Europe asks: Does tomorrow belong to us?”
    The article comments on the victory of center-right parties in elections to the EU parliament, including Fidesz.  There is also reference to the Jobbik party in Hungary.

  • From the Embassy Row column of June 11,  Hungarian foreign minister Peter Balazs,  visited Washington and met with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and spoke of the “danger  of nationalism” at the European Institute in Washington.
    In the same column, political analyst Reinhard Schlinkert made comments on the European parliamentary elections to an audience at the Friederich Naumann Foundation in Washington, suggesting potential tensions between Slovaks and Hungarians and between Romanians and Hungarians, stating that in the elections “most moderate people did not vote”.

May 30

  • An article from yesterday’s Washington Times: “Britain’s New Revolution” by Richard Rahn.

  • In the same issue a commentary by Emmett Tyrell: “ACLU talks too much”.

  • An article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal: “Look Who’s a Believer Now” by Timothy Larsen.

May 28

  • A book review in last Sunday’s Washington Post by Alice Schroeder: “The Man Who Owned America”.
    The book is “The First Tycoon” ‘The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt’ by T.J. Stiles.

  • An article from the Washington Post of May 26:  “Credit Crisis Cassandra” ‘Brooksley Born Unheeded Warning Is a Rueful Echo 10 Years On’ by Manuel Roig-Franzia with contribution by staff researcher Alice Crites. 

  • commentary by Gary Bauer in yesterday’s Washington Times on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor: “An ideological choice” ‘Time for Republicans to put up a fight’.

May 25

  • An article from yesterday’s Washington Post: “A Conversation With Nahu Ribadu, Anti-Corruption Crusader in Nigeria.” 
    He currently lives in exile and there were two attempts on his life. (Interview with Outlook editor John Pomfret.)

  • “What the Tigers Taught Al-Qaeda” by Mia Bloom.

  • An article on Spain’s judicial activism by David Bosco.

May 15

  • An article by Kara Rowland on the rush to pass laws on Capitol Hill: “Forecast cloudy for transparency” in last Tuesday’s Washington Times.

  • In the same issue, a book review by Martin Sieff. The book is “Surrender: Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom” by Bruce Bawer, Doubleday, $24.95, 352 p.

  • An article from yesterday’s Washington Times: “Journalist’s lens captures Darfur’s ‘forgotten people’ “ by J. Ross Baughman.

May 12

  • review by Gary Anderson in Sunday’s Washington Times. The book is “How Rome Fell: Death of a Superpower” by Adrian Goldsworthy.

  • review by Alexandra Fuller in Sunday’s Washington Post. The book is: “This Child Will Great” Memoir of A Remarkable Life by Africa’s First Woman President by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

  • In the same issue, a review by Benjamin Carter Hett. The book is “The Third Reich at War” by Richard J. Evans.

April 29

  • A book review from The Washington Times by John Weisman. The book is “Hunting Eichamann” by Neal Bascomb.

  • A book review in last Sunday’s Washington Post: “The Final Triumph of Chiang Kai-Shek” by Laura Tyson Li.
    The book is “Generalissimo” by Jay Taylor, Belknap, 722 pp. $35.

April 21

  • An op-ed by Anne Applebaum in today’s Washington Post on Moldova and Romania: “The Twitter Revolution that Wasn’t”.

  • An op-ed by Jackson Diehl in yesterday’s Washington Post: “A World of Trouble for Obama”.

  • An op-ed by Robert Samuelson in the same issue: “Our Depression Obsession”.

April 19

  • An article on the American financial sector in the upcoming issue of The Atlantic Monthly by Simon Johnson, professor at the Sloan School of Management at MIT and chief economist at the International Monetary Fund during 2007 and 2008. Mr. James Kwak also contributed to this essay, with the title: “The Quiet Coup”.

April 16

  • An article on the dollar as reserve currency, in today’s Washington Times, by George H. Lesser: “SDR’s draw down on dollar?”.

  • An op-ed by columnist Michael Gerson in yesterday’s Washington Post: “A Searcher with Faith in Mind”.

  • An article by Cathy Young in the Wall Street Journal of April 14, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Gogol, (1809-1852): “Gogol Gets Caught in a Tug of Love”.

April 10

  • An op-ed by William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, in The Washington Post of April 7: "A World Without Nukes – Just Like 1939".

  • commentary by Ariel Cohen in today's Washington Times: "Turkey's dangerous shift".

  • A book review by Martin Sieff in the Washington Times of April 7: "Cheap, clean, unlimited energy?"
    The book is: "Sun in a Bottle: The Strange History of Fusion and the Science of Wishful Thinking " by Charles Seife, Viking, $25.95, 294p.
    There is reference to Hungarian-born physicist Edward Teller.

April 7

  • From last Sunday's Outlook section of the Washington Post, excerpts of an interview with a U.S. official on the ongoing drug war in Mexico, with spillover into some American states: "A Conversation With Terry Goddard, Attorney General of Arizona".

  • An op-ed by columnist Robert Samuelson in yesterday's Washington Post: "China's Dollar Deception".

  • comment by columnist Nat Hentoff in yesterday's Washington Times on the never ending tragedy of the persecuted people in Darfur : "The forgotten people: A 'final solution' proceeds apace".

March 29

  • An opinion piece from the Outlook Section of today' s Washington Post: "Argentina? Almost. Welcome to Life in Emerging Market, USA" by Desmond Lachman, fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, former Chief Emerging Market Strategist at Solomon Smith and Barney, and former deputy director of the Policy and Review Department of the International Monetary Fund.

  • In the same issue of the Washington Post, an op-ed on the HIV-AIDS epidemic, focusing on Africa: "The Pope May be Right" by Edward C. Green, researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health.

  • An article from the Weekend Edition of the Wall Street Journal: "Eastern Europe and the Financial Crisis" by David Roche.

March 26

  • A brief write up on Charles Simonyi second trip into space by David Nowak.

  • An op-ed by Arnaud de Borchgrave in today's Washington Times: "Digitized News" 'Newspapers' collapse threatens democracy'.

  • In the same issue of The Washington Times a book review by Priscilla Taylor: "The New Deal's best friend".

    The book is "The Woman Behind the New Deal: the Life of Frances Perkins, FDR's Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience" by Kirstin Downey, Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, $35, 458 p. illus.

March 23

  • A brief report from the "Budapest Sun" on political developments in Hungary.

  • blog on Charles Simonyi's second space adventure.

March 20

  • A book review in yesterday's Washington Times by Martin Sieff: "Masterful forecast of colliding trends".
    The book is "A Brief History of the Future: A Brave and Controversial Look at the Twenty-First Century" by Jacques Attali Arcade, $25, 312 p.

March 9

  • An issue from the Embassy Row column of The Washington Times featuring Imre Szekeres, Defense Minister of Hungary, who is visiting Washington this week.

  • In the same issue, a report by Maria Danilova writes on the economic crisis, focusing on Ukraine. There are also brief references to Poland, Romania and Hungary.

March 8

  • An op-ed by Jackson Diehl in today's Washington Post: "George W. Obama".

March 6

  • commentary by Arnaud de Borchgrave in today's Washington Times on the top appointments at the National Intelligence Council: "Freeman's unpardonable 'sin' ".

March 3

  • An op-ed by Anne Applebaum in today's Washington Post: "European Disunion". There are references to Hungary and Hungarians, including the prime minister.

  • report in today's Washington Times by Sara Carter: "100,000 foot soldiers in Mexican cartels".

  • An op-ed by Bret Stephens in today's Wall Street Journal: "In Praise of Mexico's War on Drugs" 'Complacency and corruption are the real enemies'.

March 1

  • An article from the Wall Street Journal of February 28 – March 1, Weekend Edition: "The Wallenberg Curse".
    The Search for the Missing Holocaust Hero began in 1945. The Unending Quest Tore His Family Apart ' by Joshua Prager.

February 25

  • An op-ed piece by columnist Anne Applebaum in yesterday's Washington Post: "How To Speak Human Rights".
    There is a reference to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

February 16

  • A book review on Abraham Lincoln in last Friday's Wall Street Journal: "Abe as He Really Was" by John A. Barnes.

February 12

  • An opinion piece by Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, in yesterday' s Washington Times: " Where does the conservative movement go from here?".

  • An article by Philip Kennicott in yesterday's Washington Post commenting on an exhibit of Nazi propaganda in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum of Washington, DC: "Hitler's Terrible Weapon: Publicity".

February 10

  • An op-ed on Croatia by Jeffrey Kuhner in Sunday's Washington Times: "Balkan basket case".

  • An op-ed by Ed Feulner in today's issue of the Washington Times: "Sham stimulus".

February 6

  • An op-ed by the president of Poland, Lech Kaczynski in yesterday's Washington Times: "Time to reflect and to act" 'Poland's president expresses solidarity with America'.

  • A book review from Tuesday's edition of The Washington Times by Carrie Sheffileld: "Statistics, graphs at heart of election analysis".
    The book is "How Barack Obama Won: A State-by-State Guide to the Historic 2008 Presidential Election" by Chuck Todd and Sheldon Gawiser, Vintage, $12.95, 272 p.

  • From the January 27 issue of The New York Times: A brief musicreview of The Budapest Festival Orchestra under the direction of Ivan Fischer at Carnegie Hall by James R. Oestreich.

February 3

  • An article from the Sunday's Outlook section of the Washington Post. The writer argues that the Roosevelt era New Deal was an economic failure and the current Administration should not attempt to repeat a similar program: "FDR was a Great Leader, But His Economic Plan Isn't One to Follow".

  • An article on reforming lobbying by Robert Kaiser also in the Washington Post. The piece includes a comment by Sen. Christopher Dodd: "Stuck in the Revolving Door".

  • An article from yesterday's Washington Times: "Priest documents 'Holocaust by Bullets' in Eastern Europe" by Maria Danilova and Randy Herschaft.

January 29

  • An op-ed by Marie Arana in today's Washington Post: "Renegade Updike".

  • An op-ed in yesterday's Washington post by columnist Michael Gerson: "Weasels vs. AIDS relief".

  • Letter to the Editor in Tuesday's Washington Times: "Taking life lightly".

January 27

  • An article from yesterday's Washington Post: "Economic Crisis Fuels Unrest in E. Europe".

  • An op-ed by columnist Anne Applebaum in today's Washington Post: "Democracy They Can't Imagine".

  • An opinion piece in today's New York Times by Gary Schaub: "Really Soft Power".

January 19

  • An essay by Jonathan Raban in the January 10th issue of the Wall Street Journal: "All the Presidents' Literature".

January 16

  • commentary by György Schöpflin, member of the European Parliament for Hungary, in the Eurobserver: "The Slovak-Hungarian 'cold war' ".

  • From yesterday's Washington Post, an article by Jura Koncius on a Hungarian-born artist named Anna Weatherly of Arlington, Virginia, who designs and paints dinnerware for the White House: "The Dish on Designer of Bush China".

  • From last Sunday's Washington Times, a commentary by Kevin J. Hasson and Luke W. Goodrich: "Does Obama respect conscience ? ".

January 15

  • In yesterday's Washington Post, columnist Michael Gerson: "Apostle of Life".

  • In Tuesday's issue of the New York Times, op-ed columnist David Brooks: "In Defense of Death".

  • In last weekend's issue of the Wall Street Journal, an article by Stephen Miller: "Restless Intellectual Yoked Catholics and Evangelicals".

January 13

  • An op-ed in today's Washington Post by Anne Applebaum: "Short End of the Pipeline ".
    The article has a good quote on the European Union by an unnamed Hungarian friend of the columnist. The opinion piece also has a picture with the caption: "Cutting wood for heat on Sunday in a Hungarian village east of Budapest".

  • From yesterday's Washington Post, an op-ed by David Broder: "An Early Drubbing for Obama".

  • From last Sunday's Washington Times, a comment by Edward Peck: "Political ambassadors".

January 11

  • From The New York Times of January 5: "Memo from Pravda" 'In Eastern Europe, Lives Languish in Mental Facilities' There is areference to a Budapest-based NGO: the Mental Disability Advocacy Center.

  • An op-ed in the January 9 issue of the Wall Street Journal:  "Alternative' Medicine Is Mainstream" by Deepak Chopra, Dean Ornish, Rustum Roy and Andrew Weill.

  • An article by Marcia Angell in the current issue of The New York Review of Books: "Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption".

January 6

  • An op-ed in today's Washington Times by Arnaud de Borchgrave: "Israel' s end game".

  • A book review from last Sunday's issue of the Washington Times by Gary Anderson: "The rise, demise of an empire".
    The book is "The Decline and Fall of the British Empire" by Piers Brendon, Knopf, $37.50, 816 p.

  • A book review from today's Washington Times by Peter Hannaford: "Vignettes from a remarkable friendship".
    The book is "The Reagan I Knew" by William Buckley, Jr., Basic Books, $16.50, 267 p.

January 3

  • An op-ed in today's Washington Post by columnist Masha Lipman: "For Russia, A Dark Horizon".

  • An op-ed in the January 1 issue of the Washington Times by Lee Edwards, Chairman of the Victims of Communism Foundation: "1989 – Year of Miracles". There is reference to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

  • An op-ed by Jeffrey Kuhner in the Washington Times of December 28, 2008: "Papal denunciation? ".

January 2

  • An op-ed by Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal of December 26: "A Year for the Books" 'Mother Teresa's secret, and other revelations from 2008'

  • A Book Review in the Wall Street of December 25: "Chronicle of A Council" by Edward T. Oakes S.J. The book is "What Happened at Vatican II" by John W. O' Malley, Harvard/Belknap, $29.95, 380 p.

  • A Book Review in the Washington Times of December 28: "Bolshevik finance, Soviet secrets" by Joseph C. Goulden. The book is: "History's Greatest Heist: The Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks", by Sean McMeekin, Yale University Press, $38, 302p.

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