December 27
An op-ed by Jackson Diehl "The New Threat to Europe" as published in the Washington Post of December 25.
An article by Peter Singer on giving from the New York Times magazine of December 17, with the title: "What Should a Billionaire Give? And What Should You?"
December 25
December 13
The text of the joint declaration signed by the leaders of the Hungarian political parties denouncing the actions of the Romanian authorities at the Babes Bolyai University of Kolozsvar, also known as Cluj, against two ethnic Hungarian educators who placed signs in Hungarian along with the Romanian ones. The text was printed by several Hungarian papers including Magyar Hírlap on December 6.
The text is available in Hungarian only at this time.
An op-ed from yesterday's Washington Post by Anne Applebaum with the title "Teheran's Holocaust Lesson"
An article from The New York Times of December 5: "China Pursues Major Role in Particle Physics"
December 5
An op-ed by Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post with the title: A Familiar Mystery.
From the Embassy Row column of the Washington Times, Amb. Andras Simonyi featured in a fund-raising concert for the families of three Hungarian firemen who died last August.
December 3
An op-ed by Ian Fisher in The New York Times of today: "The Pope Without His Sting. "
An op-ed in The Washington Times: "Forum: Pope won hearts and minds by Mustafa Akyol, Turkish journalist and writer. "
Also, in The Washington Times a report by Natasha Lisova with the title: "Stalinist famine still haunts modern Ukraine."
December 2
An op-ed by Masha Lipman in today's Washington Post: "Russia's Hidden Power Struggle."
From last Sunday's Washington Times a book review by Joseph C. Goulden: "Revolts in East Germany, Hungary." One of the books is "Failed Illusions" by Professor Charles Gati.
A book review by Stephen Goode: "Vienna, a long-forgotten portrait" The book is "The Demons" by Heimito von Doderer.
November 30
An op-ed by Tony Blankley in yesterday's Washington Times on the trip to Turkey by Pope Benedict.
An article by Steven Pearlstein on Eastern Europe, from the business section of yesterday's Washington Times.
November 28
An op-ed by Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska published in the Sunday edition of the Washington Post: "Leaving Iraq, Honorably."
An op-ed by Jackson Diehl, in yesterday's Washington Post: "Shaping Post-Bush Policy."
An op-ed by Richard Holbrooke in the same edition of the Washington Post: "David and Goliath" 'Putin Tries to Depose a Neighbor.'
November 23
An op-ed from today's Washington Post: "The Consummate American Holiday" by Jon Meacham, editor of Newsweek and author of "American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation."
An op-ed by Anne Applebaum: "Why Only Darfur?" from the Washington Post of November 21.
An op-ed by Suzanne Fields in today's Washington Times: "No Thanksgiving in Darfur."
November 19
November 17
The passing of economist Milton Friedman, whose parents, Jeno S. Friedman and Sarah L. Friedman, migrated from Austria-Hungary to the United States, was noted in articles published in the New York Times and Washington Post.
The Washington Times also published an editorial with the title: "Economist of the Century."
November 11
An op-ed from the Washington Post of November 10 by Charles Krauthammer: "Only a Minor Earthquake."
An article from last Wednesday Post: "Karen's Rules of Diplomacy: Talk to the Media – if You Dare."
And an op-ed by Michael J. Copps" "Americas Internet Disconnect."
November 6
November 4
An opinion piece from the Washington Post of Thursday, November 2, by Robert Kagan with the title "Staying the Course Win or Lose."
An opinion piece from the current issue of the Washington Post, November 4, by Uwe Reinhardt with the title "Kerry Trips Over an Economic Truth."
A commentary by Marian Tupy in the Washington Times of November 3, focusing on Eastern Europe.
November 2
An op-ed by Robert Samuelson with the title: "What If We are to Blame?" 'Public Opinion and Muddled Policies' from yesterday's Washington Post.
From today's Washington Post, the obituary of novelist William Styron, who died yesterday at 81.
October 31
October 30
From Saturday's Washington Post an editorial: "Backsliding in Europe" 'Democracies take time to mature, even inside the European Union.' The editorial comments that "Hungarian politics look pretty good compared with most of the other former communist countries of Central Europe."
A similar theme of regional malaise is the subject of "Reforms roiling Eastern Europe" published on Sunday, October 29 in The Washington Times.
A review of books on 1956: "The Rising" by Jacob Heilbrunn from the book section of the New York Times of Sunday, October 29.
The books mentioned in the piece include those written by Professor Charles Gati, Michael Korda and Victor Sebestyen.
October 26
An opinion piece from John O'Sullivan, editor of the National Review, published in the Washington Times of October 25. The title is: "Not our revolution, comrade."
October 25
Events of October 23 in Budapest made the front page of the New York Times with a picture of protesters, and a report on page A13 by Craig S. Smith, which is attached.
We are also sending a report by Pablo Gorondi, as published by The Washington Post.
The Washington Times also published a brief report, not included here, with a picture of the seized Soviet T-34 tank from a commemorative display.
October 16
A Letter to the Editor "Our Shame in Hungary" by Wes Pedersen of Chevy Chase, Md. Published in the Sunday's New York Times commenting on the Week in Review article of October 8 "From Budapest to Baghdad: In a Long-Ago Revolution, Echoes for Today."
A book review "How to Be Good" 'A scientist argues that humans have ethics hard-wired into us' by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in the Book World of Sunday's Washington Post.
The book is "Moral Minds" 'How Nature Designed Our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong' by Marc D. Hauser, Ecco, 489 p. $27.95.
October 11
An op-ed by Anne Applebaum from Monday's Washington Post: "A Moscow Murder Story."
Also, from the same issue of the Washington Post, a controversyabout historian Tony Judt: "In N.Y. Sparks Fly Over Israel Criticism."
An op-ed co-authored by Rachel Ehrenfeld in today's Washington Times on a U.S. visa denial: "Why Tariq Ramadan lost."
October 8
An opinion piece from yesterday's 'Week in Review' of The New York Times by Roger Cohen with the title" "In a Long-Ago Revolution, Echoes for Today" 'From Budapest to Baghdad.'
An article from the October 7 issue of The New York Times: "Her Budapest, From Synagogue to Cafe", by Craig S. Smith, featuring Kati Marton and her upcoming book "The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World."
An article from the September/October 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs: "God's Country?" by Walter Russell Mead. The piece discusses the role evangelical Christians & American foreign policy.
October 2
The obituary of Hungarian writer Andras Suto, a leader of the still sizable Hungarian minority of Romania, as published in today's Washington Post with the title "Ethnic Hungarian Writer and Activist Andras Suto, 79". The report is by Pablo Gorondi.
October 2
An op-ed piece on Darfur from The Washington Post: "We Saved Europeans? Why Not Africans?" by Susan Rice, Anthony Lake and Donald M. Payne in today's edition.
Nat Hentoff's op-ed in today's Washington Times: "Last chance for Darfurians?"
From the October 19, 2006 edition of The New York Review of Books: "Scandal in Budapest" by Istvan Deak.
September 28
September 26
An op-ed in today's Washington Post by Anne Applebaum, "The Hardest Word", commenting on the prime minister of Hungary.
An article on elections in Ohio: "In Ohio, a Battle of Databases"
An op-ed from Charles Krauthammer in yesterday's Washington Post: "Everyone is Jewish"
September 21
A commentary by Arnold Beichman on the use of the term "fascism" in The Washington Times of September 15.
"Letter from a Sudanese Prison" from the Sunday issue of the Washington Post of September 17.
A book review "Analyzing the work of an influential philosopher" by Joseph Phelan, as published in last Sunday's Washington Times.
The book is "Reading Leo Strauss: Politics, Philosophy, Judaism" by Steven B. Smith, University of Chicago Press, $32.50, 268 p.
September 13
An article from the Sunday, September 10, issue of the New York Times: "Cheney's Power no Longer Goes Unquestioned".
An article from The Washington Times of the same date, "Forum: Islamic tolerance".
September 10
From today's Washington Times an article focusing on corruption in Romania, particularly regarding property restitution. The title is "Open the Romanian Archives" and the writer is Ioan Caton Paltineanu, former official of the Ministry of Agriculture of Romania.
From today's Washington Post and op-ed "Rescue Darfur Now" by John McCain and Bob Dole.
An article by Jan Egeland in today' Washington Times with the title "Rescue workers at risk" on the dangers faced by humanitarian aid workers particularly in Darfur, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.
Mr. Egeland is U.N. undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator.
September 7
An op-ed by David Broder in today's Washington Post: "One Leak and a Flood of Silliness".
Also from today's Post an article from John Pomfret: "In China, Living With the Unspeakable".
Nicholas Kralev reports in today's Washington Times: "Finding diplomats for perilous posts".
September 4
The topic of excellence in education and its relation to economic competitiveness comes up often, particularly in emerging economies.
An article from The Washington Post: an American perspective, "The U.S. Edge In Education" after a visit to Asia by Richard H. Brodhead, president of Duke University.
August 30
From last Sunday's Washington Post magazine: an article on Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona).
An op-ed in the Washington Post of Monday, August 28, co-authored by former Sen. Bob Kerry (D-Nebraska) and former Sen. Warren B. Rudman (R-New Hampshire). The title of the opinion piece is "Securing Future Fiscal Health".
August 28
An article on the opening of the secret police files in Romania published in yesterday's Washington Times.
An article published in the travel section of yesterday's New York Times, featuring Count Tibor Kalnoky of Miklosvar in eastern Transylvania.
August 22
An editorial from today's Washington Post on Darfur: "Genocide, Continued".
A music review from the New York Times: Liszt at the Bard Music Festival.
August 16
An op-ed by Helle Dale, "Undoing evil cells", in today's Washington Times.
An Embassy Row column, featuring the president of Romania, Traian Basescu.
An op-ed in today's Washington Post: "The Economics of Fear" by Robert J. Samuelson.
August 12
From yesterday's Washington Post, an op-ed by Newt Gingrich: "The Only Option is to Win".
Mr. Gingrich is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and was speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. In this opinion piece he comments on the op-ed "The Guns of August" by Richard Holbrooke, published on August 10 by the Washington Post.
An op-ed by Rachel Ehrenfeld in yesterday's Washington Times: "A 'political party' unveiled."
Ms. Ehrenfeld is director of the American Center for Democracy.
August 11
An op-ed by Richard Holbrooke "The Guns of August" in yesterday's Washington Post.
A comment by Arnaud de Borchgrave in yesterday's Washington Times "Ad hoc warfare"
Also, an UPI report from the Washington Times: "Slovaks move to neighboring Hungary"
August 10
An article from the Washington Post "The Secretive Fight Against Bioterror" published on July 30.
An article on the U.S. bureaucracy grappling with the aftermath of 9/11 "A Fight Against Terrorism and Disorganization", as published on August 9 in the Washington Post.
An article on the need to teach foreign languages at the elementary level, in the Washington Post of August 8.
August 7
August 4
An op-ed by Henry Kissinger "The Next Steps With Iran" from The Washington Post of Monday, July 31.
An op-ed by Charles Krauthammer in today's Washington Post: "Israel's Lost Moment"
A book review by Peter W. Galbraith in the August 10 issue of the New York Review of Books with the title "Mindless in Iraq"
The reviewed books are:
"Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq" by Michael R. Gordon and Bernard E. Trainor, Pantheon, 640 pp $27.95
"Losing Iraq: Inside the Postwar Reconstruction Fiasco" by David L. Phillips, Perseus, 292 p. $15.95 paperback.
"The Foreigner's Gift: The Americans, the Arabs, and the Iraquis in Iraq" by Fouad Ajami, Free Press, 378 pp. $26.00
"Ahmad's War, Ahmad's Peace: Surviving Under Saddam. Dying in the New Iraq" by Michael Goldfarb, Carroll and Graf, 354 pp. $15.95 paperback.
August 2
An editorial from The Washington Post "Serbia's Intransigence" 'Rather than join the Europe of the 21th century, the country's leaders cling to a failed nationalism' published on July 24.
In the same attachment a Letter to the Editor by Tibor Purger published July 28.
Also, a commentary by Nat Hentoff in The Washington Times of July 31 "Have you thought of Darfur lately?"
July 28
July 26
July 25
July 25
An article from Sunday's Washington Times: "Orange Revolution comes full circle" in Ukraine.
A book review published on July 23: "Kristallnacht: Prelude to Destruction" by Martin Gilbert, Harper Collins. $21.95, 314 p. illus. The review is by Suzanne Fields.
Another book review from the same issue: "Neoconservatism: Why We Need It" by Douglas Murray, Encounter Books, $25.95 272 p. The review is by Sol Schindler.
July 19
From yesterday's Washington Post an article about President Bush at St. Petersburg "Bush's Bull Session: Loud and Clear, Chief"
From the same issue an op-ed on Israel by Richard Cohen: "Hunker Down with History".
July 16
From today's Washington Post Magazine an article entitled "A Beautiful Friendship?" 'In search of the truth about the Israel lobby's influence in Washington' by Glenn Frankel, staff writer for the Post Magazine and former Jerusalem bureau chief for the Post.
Also, from Saturday's Washington Post an op-ed by Masha Lipman: "Putin's 'Sovereign Democracy'
An obituary of Dina Kaminskaya, a lawyer who defended Soviet dissidents, including Natan Sharansky, featured in the Israel lobby article.
July 13
An article on evangelical Christians calling on the Administration to provide greater support for Israel in today's Washington Times.
An op-ed by Robert Kagan on Iran in today's Washington Post: "On Iran, Giving Futility Its Chance"
July 12
An op-ed with the title "Justice for Serbia" by Vojislav Kostunica, Prime Minister of Serbia, from today's Washington Post.
A review entitled "Hot, Cold & Imperial" by Robert Skidelsky in the July 13 issue of The New York Review of Books. The books are:
"1945: The War that Never Ended" by Gregor Dallas, Yale U. Press, $40, 739 p.
"Among Empires: American Ascendency and Its Predecessors" by Charles S. Maier, Harvard U. Press, $27.95, 373 p.
July 11
An article from the June 8 edition of The New York Review of Books with the title "The Storm over the Israel Lobby" by Michael Massing.
A book review by Christopher Hitchens. The book is "The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War Without End" by Peter W. Galbraith, Simon and Schuster, $26, 272 p.
About the author: Peter Galbraith is known for having worked on issues related to human rights in the 1980s and 1990' first as staffer of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and later, as diplomat. He is the son of the noted economist John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006), who passed away recently.
June 29
An op-ed in today's Washington Times "Leaving Athens and Jerusalem" by Suzanne Fields.
A belated report on the passing of composer György Ligeti from The Washington Post of June 13.
A comment related to the composer by Washington area resident Zoltan Bagdy, as published in the "Free for All" section of the Washington Post of June 24.
June 28
An op-ed by Ms. Helle Dale from today's Washington Times on the U.S. Visa Waiver Program.
An op-ed by Richard Holbrooke in today's Washington Post: "Turning to the UN, Again."
June 26
The visit to Budapest by president Bush as reported last Friday by The Washington Post and The New York Times.
An op-ed in today's Washington Post by Fred Bergsten on the choices facing U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson with the title: "What's a Treasury Secretary to Do? 'An Agenda for Henry Paulson, Here and Abroad.'
June 14
From today's Washington Times a Letter to the Editor by Tibor Purger, "The good and bad of Yugoslavia", in response to the article of June 8, with the title "Yugoslavia, rest in peace" by Jeffrey T. Kuhner.
An article from Sunday's New York Times on the U.S. debt: "Reasons to Worry."
June 13
An op-ed in today's Washington Times: "European identity" by Tod Lindberg.
Also form today's Washington Times, a Letter to the Editor by Frank Koszorus, Jr., "Yugoslavia then and now", in response to an article by Jeffrey T. Kuhner, "Yugoslavia, rest in peace", published on Thursday June 8.
From Sunday's New York Times: a brief interview with George Soros, with the title "Indebted to Liberal Causes."
June 8
An op-ed on former Yugoslavia in today's Washington Times by Jeffrey T. Kuhner: "Yugoslavia, rest in peace."
An article by Helle Dale, of the Heritage Foundation, on visa waivers in Central and Eastern Europe from yesterday's Washington Times: "Wayward thinking."
From the Embassy Row column of today: the Black Sea conference with participation of nine countries of the region including Romania.
June 5
From today's Washington Post an op-ed by Jackson Diehl: "Iran's China Syndrome."
An op-ed by Frank Schaeffer from the Washington Post of June 3: "What's Lost in the Hue and Cry Over Haditha."
Frank Schaeffer is co-author of "AWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America's Upper Classes from the Military and How it Hurts Our Country."
An obituary from Sunday's New York Times by Dennis Hevesi. General Johann-Adolf von Kielmansegg (1906-2006) was a panzer division officer during World War II and in 1966 NATO commander for Central Europe. He was friend of Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, leader of the officers' plot to kill Hitler in 1944.
June 4
May 30
From today's Washington Times an article on Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York with the title "Clinton Is a Politician not Easily Defined" 'Senator's Platform Remains Unclear'.
A comment by Arnold Beichman of the Hoover Institution on the source of conflict in our world: "The Politics of Vengeance" from today's Washington Times.
An Embassy Row column from last Friday's Washington Times on the dismissal of the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans, allegedly for using the term "genocide" in reference to the death of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
May 27
Two op-ed pieces from yesterday's Washington Post on Iran: One by David Ignatius and the other by Charles Krauthammer.
An article from Thursday's Washington Post: U.S. diplomat Hiram Bingham IV (1904-1988) honored for his rescue efforts in Vichy France during World War II.
May 25
An article from yesterday's Washington Post: on the candidacy of Sen. Christopher Dodd for president in 2008.
Columnist David Broder's op-ed on Hillary Clinton in today's Washington Post: "The Shadow of a Marriage."
An article on the Clintons from The New York Times of May 23 by Patrick Healy.
May 20
An op-ed on from Tuesday's Washington Post on Iran by Henry A. Kissinger with the title "A Nuclear Test for Diplomacy"
An article on the future of books from the May 14 edition of The New York Times magazine: "Scan This Book!"
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was trained as a concert pianist and is an amateur musician. From the May 16 edition of the Washington Post, a brief write-up on her favorite pieces listed originally by "The Independent" of Britain.
May 17
An article from today's Washington Post on EU expansion, focusing on the membership of Romania and Bulgaria.
There is mention of discrimination against the Gypsy minority, but as usual, there is splendid silence about discrimination against the Hungarian minority in areas such as Hungarian-language higher education and property restitution.
Csaba Tabajdi, member of the European Parliament is also featured in the article.
May 16
An editorial from last Sunday's New York Times on Romania's abused children.
A book review from The Washington Times: "Disraeli: The Victorian Dandy Who Became Prime Minister" by Christopher Hibberts, Palgrave MacMillan, $29.95, 352 p. The review is by James Srodes.
Another book review from The Washington Times: "Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States unless…" by John Podhoretz, Crown Forum, $26.95, 255 p. The reviewer is Blake D. Dvorak.
May 13
An article from the Hungarian-language daily "Szabadsag" of Kolozsvar, or Cluj, Romania on the issue of accession of Romania to the EU ignoring the country's shortcomings in implementing rights of the Hungarian minority.
The attachment includes an English translation of the article published on April 27.
An article from the EU Observer of April 24 with the title "Rehn under fire over Hungarian minority rights."
A letter, at the initiative of Hungarian MEP Gyorgy Schopflin questions the EU comission's "apparent readiness to regard questions troubling the Hungarian minority, which have serious human rights implications, as being of no concern of the commission."
An article on the situation of disabled children in Romania from the Washington Post of May 11, with the title "Probe Chronicles Abuse in Romania" 'Disabled Children Found Bound, Emaciated in Psychiatric Institutions'. The article also features EU commissioner Olli Rehn.
May 12
An op-ed, "In Iran, Apocalypse vs. Reform" by Jackson Diehl in today's Washington Post.
Also, from today's Post, an article on the erosion of support to the president: "Bush, GOP Congress Losing Core Supporters".
From Tuesday's Washington Post an opinion piece by E.J. Dionne, Jr. "The Two Cheneys".
An article written by Hungarian American Coalition President Maximilian Teleki that was published in the Magyar Nemzet on May 6.
Please note that the Hungarian version does not correspond to the English version since it was edited by the newspaper.
May 9
An op-ed from today's Washington Post, "Muslims and Jews: Common Ground" by Robert Eisen of George Washington University.
A book review from The Washington Times: "Becoming Eichmann: Rethinking the Life and Crimes, and Trial of a "Desk Murderer" by David Cesarini, Da Capo, $27.50, 458 p. The review "Exploring Adolf Eichmann and the nature of genocide" is by Roger K. Miller.
Another book review from The Washington Times: "Among the Dead Cities: The History and Moral Legacy of World War II Bombing of Civilians in Germany and Japan" by A.C. Grayling, Walker & Co., $25.95, 384 p. The review "Our conduct in war" is by Ernest W. Lefever.
May 7
An op-ed "Deft Demagoguery in Iran" by Jackson Diehl in today's Washington Post. The article mentions philosopher Ramin Jahanbegloo, who was prevented from attending a conference in Brussels.
An Associated Press report published on May 4 in The Washington Post notes the arrest of Ramin Jahanbegloo on April 27, on his way to attend a round-table of philosophers in Hungary.
From today's New York Times, a report from Miskolc: "Gypsies Gain a Legal Tool in Rights Fight."
May 1
A comment by Nat Hentoff in today's Washington Times "Darfur and CIA prisons." The author cites journalists who won Pulitzer Prize awards.
From Sunday's Washington Post: an op-ed by Robert Kagan "League of Dictators?" 'Why China and Russia Will Support Autocracies.'
In today's op-ed of the Washington Post Dennis Ross, counselor of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy comments on the U.S. and Iran: "A New Strategy on Iran."
April 30
An opinion piece by Arnaud de Borchgrave "Touching the third rail" in yesterday's Washington Times. The author discusses historical events, such as the creation and recognition of Israel by the United States and recent developments related to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobby group.
The writer also makes reference to the Hungarian revolution of 1956.
A book review from the April 25 issue of the Washington Times, with the title "The Case for U.S. power" by W. Bruce Weinrod.
The book is "The American Era: Power and Strategy for the 21st Century" by Robert Lieber, Cambridge, $28, 268 p.
April 26
An op-ed article from The Washington Post. "Retreat from the Freedom Agenda" by Jackson Diehl comments on the Administration's dealings with Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.
Another op-ed article from The Washington Post: Richard Cohen "No, It's Not Anti-Semitic" comments on the Israel lobby article published in March by Professor John Meaesheimer and Professor Stephen Walt. Mr. Cohen also comments on a Washington Post op-ed of April 5 by Professor Eliot A. Cohen commenting on the Israel lobby article with the title "Yes, It's Anti-Semitic."
April 24
A brief write-up from today's Washington Post on the elections in Hungary.
An op-ed by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. with the title "Bush's Thousand Days" also in today's Washington Post.
April 23
An opinion piece by Robert D. Kaplan in today's Washington Post "Old States, New Threats." The author makes reference to a trip he undertook to Europe in the 1980's, noting the contrast between Hungary and Ceausescu's Romania.
Kaplan also comments that Russia and China "deal amicably with dictators, because they have no interest in a state's moral improvement." This observation is also supported by columnist Nicholas D. Kristof in his op-ed column "China and Sudan, Blood and Oil" published in today's New York Times.
An article from Friday's New York Times "Two Literary Festivals Will Highlight Endangered Languages."
In today's Washington Times, a commentary by Paul Craig Roberts on the U.S. economy: "Grim Job Outlook."
April 22
Three pieces from yesterday's Washington Post:
An article from on Steven Rosen, who was lobbyist for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), "The Power Player Who Faces Charges for Talking" by Jeffrey Birnbaum.
An op-ed "The Generals' Dangerous Whispers" by Charles Krauthammer.
An editorial, "A Victory for Scholarship", on Germany's commitment to ease the access of Holocaust archives to researchers.
April 20
April 17
An op-ed by Richard Holbrooke from Sunday's Washington Post "Behind the Military Revolt", commenting on the call of retired generals for the resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
An op-ed by Lanxin Xiang, Director of the China Center at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, "Why Washington Can't Speak Chinese" also from yesterday's Washington Post.
A book review with the title "Cold War psy-ops, Hitler letters" from Sunday's Washington Times, by Joseph C. Goulden. The first book is "What Stalin Knew: the Enigma of Barbarossa" by David E. Murphy, the author makes reference to the work of historian and author John Lukacs. The second book is "Total Cold War: Eisenhower's Secret Propaganda Battle at Home and Abroad", by Kenneth Osgood, University Press of Kansas, $45, 512 p. illus.
April 14
April 13
April 12
An op-ed "Poison and Power in Ukraine" by Anne Applebaum in today's Washington Post.
Two book reviews published on April 9 in The New York Times and The Washington Times. The book is "Ivan's War: Life and Death in the Red Army" by Catherine Merridale, Metropolitan Books, $30, 480 p. illus. The review in The New York Times "Saving Private Ivanov" is by Sheila Fitzpatrick, professor of history at the University of Chicago. She has taught also at Columbia University in the City of New York.
The review in The Washington Times "Ivan goes to war" is by Joseph C. Goulden.
April 10
An op-ed by Gary Wills from last Sunday's "New York Times" with the title "Christ Among the Partisans."
Also from last Friday's New York Times the obituary of Rudolf Vrba, who died on March 27 in Vancouver, British Columbia at 81. Was a survivor of Auschwitz. The obituary mentions the wartime Regent of Hungary Adm. Miklós Horthy.
An article on the U.S. visa issue focusing on the Czech Republic with mention of neighboring countries, including Hungary.
April 9
An article from today's Washington Times "Rescuing Darfur" by Juan E. Mendez, special adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the prevention of genocide.
An article from yesterday's Washington Times: "European Muslims seek social, political integration."
An op-ed from yesterday's Washington Post with the title "Words and Music" by Alaka M. Basu deals with the need to increase the number of American learning foreign languages.
April 7
From today's Washington Times:
The Dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government steps down after criticism of a publication on the 'Israeli lobby'.
An op-ed by Jim Geraght, editor of the "National Review" with the title "Angela Merkel's Germany."
From today's Washington Post, the National Geographic Societyreleased yesterday "the first modern translation of the Gospel of Judas."
April 6
An op-ed from yesterday's Washington Post on the Jewish lobby article "Yes. It's Anti-Semitic" by Eliot A. Cohen, professor at the Johns Hopkins University's School of International Advanced Studies.
An op-ed in today's Washington Post with the title "Russia's Gas Crunch" 'Looming Shortfall Poses a Tough Choice' by Nadejda M. Victor, a researcher at Stanford University and co-author of "Axis of Oil."
April 4
A news report from yesterday's Washington Post on the effect of the Israel lobby in Washington.
Also, the original article "The Israel Lobby" published March 23 in the London Review of Books by Professor John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Professor Stephen Walt at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
April 2
An article on missile defense in Europe from The Washington Times of March 24.
An op-ed, "Bush Misses a Moment" by columnist Robert Novak in The Washington Post of March 30.
March 30
An op-ed from today's Washington Times on the abuse of the Islamic faith by M. Zuhdi Jasser, chairman of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
An opinion piece on foreign investment in the U.S. by John Castellani president of Business Roundtable, Thomas Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Todd Malan, president and CEO of the Organization for International Investment.
An editorial on immigration focusing on Mexico and territorial issues raised by Hispanic radicals.
March 29
An Embassy Row column from Monday's Washington Times with a write-up on foreign visitors to Washington, including the Foreign Minister of Romania and Mr. Kalman Mizsei, assistant U.N. Secretary-General.
An editorial on the passing of Lyn Nofziger who "played a critical behind-the-scenes role in the rise of Ronald Reagan and the modern American conservative movement." Mr. Nofziger died last Monday at his home in Falls Church, Virginia, at 81.
An article from today's Washington Times: "Romania backs alternate route for pipeline to West."
March 26
An article on anti-Bush sentiment from yesterday's Washington Post. Congressman Tom Lantos (D-California) is featured in the article, along with his challenger Dr. Kevin Hearle.
Thomas Sowell, columnist of The Washington Times, in "Cathedrals and faith" comments on Harvard University's faculty and the perceived lack of "conviction and dedication" to serve the larger aims of education.
Two book reviews on extremism in Europe in today's Washington Times. The reviewer is Clive Davis. "While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam Is Destroying the West from Within" by Bruce Bawer, Doubleday, $23.95, 247 p. "Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis is America's Too" by Claire Berlinski, Crown Forum, $25.95, 272 p.
March 24
An editorial on Darfur in today's Washington Post.
An opinion piece on Afghanistan by Diana West in today's Washington Times.
Also in today's Embassy Row column of The Washington Times features diplomats from Ukraine and Romania.
March 21
However, the invitation to the event had the following text:
"In celebration of Hungary's Historic Contributions to Global Democracy including the 50th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution Please join the Leadership of Congress and Congressman Tom Lantos Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 5:00 pm, United States Capitol, Statuary Hall"
March 20
An op-ed with the title "For Gates, a Visa Charge" by Washington Post columnist David Broder in yesterday's Washington Post: Bill Gates will come to town to lobby the expansion of H-1B visas for foreign-born computer scientists.
A book review by Bart McDowell :"Life among the Gypsies" The book is "Little Money Street: In Search of Gypsies and their Music in the South of France", by Fernanda Eberstadt, Knopf, $24.95, 242 p.
March 15
An article from yesterday's New York Times on gambling rules of six European nations, including Hungary.
Also, from yesterday's Science section of The New York Times, an article on quantum physics with reference to Hungarian-born physicist Eugene Wigner (1902-95).
And a music review of the New York Philharmonic, under the direction of Christoph von Dohnanyi published on March 11, featuring Bela Bartok's (1881-1945) opera "Bluebeard's Castle."
March 14
An op-ed, "Next Step for NATO", by Richard Holbrooke, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and Ronald D. Asmus, Executive Director of the German Marshall Fund's Transatlantic Center in Brussels, in today's Washington Post.
Also, a book review published in last Sunday's Washington Times by Helle Dale, Director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation. The title of the review is "Discerning what drives the Bush presidency" and the book is "Rebel-in-Chief: Inside the Bold and Controversial Presidency of George W. Bush" by Fred Barnes, Crown Forum, $23.95, 220p.
March 11
An article from yesterday's Washington Post with the title "Out of Darkness" 'Romania Tries to Shed Its Traditional Past for Entry into E.U.' The article is noteworthy because, for unsuspecting readers, the only discrimination in today's Romania is against the Roma. Also, a Transylvanian dairy farmer named Emil Imre Szabo is identified as Romanian. It seems that the Hungarian ethnic minority has gone 'incognito'.
An op-ed by Mikulas Dzurinda prime minister of Slovakia in today's Washington Post: "Light the Candles Of Belarus" 'Europe's Last Dictatorship Will Not Endure.' After reading this moving ode to freedom and democracy, just one question: Should the Hungarian minority of Slovakia become Belarusian to be accepted and not discriminated in Slovakia?
An award to Congressman Tom Lantos in today's Washington Times. The caption is at the end the 'Inside Politics' column.
March 9
An opinion piece, "Truce and troops" in the Washington Times of March 8, by Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, Chairman of the Sudan Social Development Organization and Jill Savitt, Campaign Director of New York-based Human Rights First.
An article by Richard W. Rahn, "Tales of two cities", on the cities of Amsterdam and New Orleans in The Washington Times of March 9.
From the Travel section of yesterday's Washington Times, anarticle on Prague and Budapest: "A tale of two cities."
March 9
An op-ed by Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post of March 8: "Skip St. Petersburg, Mr. Bush."
An op-ed By Helle Dale "Russia is Back" from the Match 8 edition of The Washington Times.
From the same issue, a commentary by Edward Lozansky, "Is Russia friend or foe?" president of the American University in Moscow. The writer makes a negative reference to Congressman Tom Lantos and Senator John McCain.
March 8
The op-ed "America's Immigration Advantage" comparing the immigration issue in Europe and in the U.S., by Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco in Monday's Washington Post.
An op-ed by Ed Feulner, president of the Heritage Foundation, in yesterday's Washington Times with the title "Restoring the melting pot."
Also, from yesterday's Washington Times and op-ed by William H. Peterson "A blueprint for rightists" discusses the book with the title: "Getting America Right: The True Conservative Values our Nation Needs Today" by Edwin J. Feulner and Doug Wilson, Crown Forum, $26.95, 235 p.
March 5
Today's Washington Times carries an article from the weekly series 'Briefing Europe' with the title "East European talent stays at home". The report is from Simon Coss, Agence France-Presse, from Gödöllő, Hungary. With the article there is a map of Hungary within Europe and other identifying the cities of Szeged and Budapest, as well as a picture of a gathering of the World Science Forum at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Budapest held on November 10, 2005. The caption includes the comment: "Many professionals are opting to stay in Hungary rather than move abroad."
An article by Alan Abramowitz on president Bush's slip in popularity from today's Washington Post: "What's Behind Those Bad Poll Numbers."
Also, from today's Washington Times a review of two books on Edmund Wilson (1895-1972), who towards the end of his life developed an interest in learning Hebrew, Russian and Hungarian. The review is by Martin Rubin and the books are: "Edmund Wilson: A Life in Literature" by Lewis M. Dabney, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $35, 641 p. illus.; and "Critic In Love: A Romantic Biography of Edmund Wilson" by Davis Castronovo and Janet Groth, Shoemaker & Hoard, $25, 222 p. illus.
March 4
An op-ed by Newt Gingrich "A Leaner, Meaner Military" in today's Washington Post.
An op-ed from The Washington Times of March 1 with the title "GOP: back to basics" by Bruce Bartlett. The author comments on his newly published book: "Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy."
March 3
An op-ed by Ariel Cohen "Russia's covetous courtship" from The Washington Times of March 2. Mr. Cohen is senior researcher at the Heritage Foundation.
A Letter to the Editor on the anniversary of 1956 by Frank Koszorus, Jr. commenting on the op-ed of February 22 by Anne Applebaum "Happy Anniversary, Nikita Khrushchev".
A brief Associated Press report from the Washington Post of February 28: "Putin: Russia Still Regrets 1956 Crackdown."
February 28
From yesterday's Washington Post an op-ed by Jackson Diehl entitled "An Explosive Gas Deal" Putin's Hard Bargain Could Undermine Democracy in Europe.
From last Sunday's Washington Times a book review with the title "Russian Absolutism" by Woodford McClellan. The book's title: "Russian Conservatism and Its Critics: A Study in Political Culture" by Richard Pipes, Yale, $30, 240p.
February 23
An op-ed by Anne Applebaum from yesterday's Washington Post: "Happy Anniversary, Nikita Khrushchev."
From the Washington Times of February 19, a book review by Claire Hopley on the book "Mozart" by Julian Rushton, Oxford, $30, 306 p.
February 22
The National Gallery of Art has recently opened a "Dada" show, the 1916-24 international protest against the horrors of World War I. The show will run until May 14.
An article on the show from The Washington Times: "Subversion with the smile"
Another article from the same issue entitled "Deconstructing dada"
And also, a brief write up by Gary Arnold on the film series called "Dada and World War I."
February 20
An article from Saturday's Washington Post "Bush Calls for More Muscle in Darfur".
The theme of corruption and international lending agencies is the subject of two opinion pieces. The first op-ed is Richard Rahn's "The next big scandal" in The Washington Times of February 16.
Sebastian Mallaby in today's Washington Post with an op-edentitled "Wolfowitz's Corruption Agenda."
February 14
An editorial from Monday's Washington Post entitled "Pandemic Preparedness". In the last paragraph, there is mention of five countries where vaccine research is going on and Hungary is one of them.
From Sunday's Washington Post an article by Nina Krushcheva with the title "Why Russia Still Loves Stalin." There is a reference to Krushchev 'secret speech' of the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party in 1956.
An article from The Washington Times of February 8, "Wine of the week" features Tokaji wines.
February 10
An op-ed from The Washington Times of February 9, with the title "Undeniable historical links", argues that the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum should not ignore the link between "Nazism and current Islamic extremism." There is a reference to an individual named Hanjar, of the Waffen S.S., who "served as police auxiliary" in Hungary.
Also, an article from Thursday's Washington Post on the whereabouts of the tomb of Genghis Khan.
February 8
Two articles from last Sunday's New York Times magazine and a book review from the Sunday Washington Times of January 29:
A story of immigrants in Sweden: "Islam on the Outskirts of the Welfare State."
The article "The Way We Eat: Schnitzel on the Brain" based on the book "The Cooking of Vienna's Empire" by Joseph Wechsberg with collaboration of George Lang. There is little reference to Hungarian cooking, except for a recipe of 'Transylvanian Goulash'.
The title of the book is "The Courtier and the Heretic: Leibniz, Spinoza and the Fate of God in the Modern World" by Matthew Stewart, Norton, $25.95, 351 p. The review is by Steve Goode.
February 4
Three opinion pieces from yesterday's Washington Post:
Richard Holbrooke is the author of an op-ed entitled "The Next S-G", focusing on the selection of the next Secretary General of the United Nations.
Charles Krauthammer comments on the recent elections in Palestine: "Palestine Without Illusions."
Post columnist David Broder writes on the recent election of Rep. John Boehner of Ohio as House majority leader: "A Nervous GOP Makes Its Choice."
February 1
A comment on the initiative of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to reposition diplomatic staff around the world, as published in the January 31 issue of The Washington Times.
From today's Washington Times, an opinion piece on immigration in Europe, focusing on Ireland.
An op-ed by David Ignatius in today's Washington Post: "Bush's New Ally: France?"
January 31
An op-ed by Masha Lipman in Monday's Washington Post on the tensions between Ukraine and Russia: "Risking Another Slavic War."
From Sunday's Washington Post, an article on global climate shift.
A comment on congressional earmarks from Sunday's Washington Times: "How pork corrupts."
January 29
From today's Washington Post an editorial on an unending tragedy of our time: "An Opportunity for Darfur"
From the same issue an article on the upcoming November elections entitled: "Bush's Midterm Challenge."
A book review from last Sunday's Washington Times: The book is "Defining the World: The Extraordinary Story of Dr. Johnson's Dictionary" by Henry Hitchings, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $24, 292 p. illus. The review is by James Srodes, author of "Franklin: The essential Founding Father."
January 23
An op-ed by Peter Beinart on U.S. foreign policy from yesterday's Washington Post entitled "The Isolation Pendulum."
From the same issue, an article on the internet: "The Coming Tug of War Over the Internet."
An article from yesterday's Washington Times weekly section 'Briefing Europe': the Vatican's Swiss Guard turns 500.
January 20
An op-ed by Anne Applebaum from today's Washington Post: "A Web Witness to Iranian Brutality."
From the same issue, a diplomatic dispatch from Noura Boustany on the violations of the Darfur arms embargo.
From last Sunday's Washington Post's book review section, a biography of Milton S. Hershey, chocolate maker and philanthropist. The reviewer is Jonathan Yardely.
January 19
In a speech delivered yesterday at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced an initiative to mobilize American diplomats from Europe and Washington to "hot spots" in the Middle East, Asia and elsewhere, which is the subject of an article from today's Washington Post.
An editorial from today's Washington Times entitled "Targeting Iran's nuclear threat."
An Embassy Row column with the title "Pressure on Romania" on the subject of adoptions.
January 17
A comment by Bruce Fein, a constitutional lawyer, on presidential power, published in today's Washington Times.
From today's Washington Post, an article on the issue of self-discipline in American schools.
A book review from the Sunday January 8 issue of the Washington Times: "Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled his Greatness" by Joshua W. Shenk, Houghton Mifflin, $25, 368 p. The review is by Michael P. Riccards.
January 16
An op-ed in yesterday's Washington Post by Robert Kagan on the role of the US in world affairs: "Still the Colossus"
From the same issue, a piece on the role of the media in the war in Iraq: "Use Every Article in the Arsenal"
And from Sunday's Washington Times, a report entitled "Immigrants flood Britain", with newcomers mostly from East and Central Europe.
January 11
From columnist David Broder on the historical roots of the connection between Texas and Washington in an op-ed entitled "DeLay's Texas Model" from yesterday's Washington Post.
From January 8 issue of The New York Times, an obituary of mathematician Raoul Bott, who was born in Hungary.
An article from the Science section of The New York Times of January 10: "Cells that Read Minds"
January 9
An op-ed by Anne Applebaum from the Washington Post of January 4, "Playing Politics With Pipelines"
An opinion piece from today's Washington Times by Arnaud de Borchgrave entitled "Target Iran"
Also, from today's Washington Times Arnold Beichman, acomment with the title a "Valuable GOP resource" with reference to Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House. The author also quotes a statement on Iran by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
January 4
A commentary on the on-going tragedy of Darfur, largely ignored by the international community. An opinion piece from The Washington Times of January 2, columnist Nat Hentoff: "Weak-kneed on Darfur." Pope Benedict calls for greater international resolve about the continuing crimes against humanity in that region of Sudan.
An article from the December 24 issue of the Los Angeles Times entitled "The Future of America – in Iraq" by Robert D. Kaplan.
An article about the National Security Agency from the Washington Post of January 1, entitled "The NSA Overt Problem" 'So Many Conversations, So Few Clues to the Terrorists' Chatter'.