László Böjtös

László Böjtös (Vadosfa, 2 March 1931) is an American Hungarian public figure, architect, diplomat.

Between 1950 and 1954 he studied at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. At the time of the Revolution, he worked as an architect in Budapest. On October 23, 1956, he participated in a demonstration sympathetic to the Polish people organized by the academics, where the student assembly accepted the 16 points of the university students. The demonstration came from the radio the next day, turning to armed fighting. In October he traveled between Budapest-Győr-Vadosfa. With his wife he appeared with numerous revolutionary events in Budapest, but he did not take part in armed struggles and organizing the revolution.

Because of the overwhelming progress of Soviet intervention and events that began on November 4, he saw his future as hopeless in Hungary, and on December 1, 1956 he decided to leave the country. He crossed the border by foot near the village of Mosonmagyaróvár at night, and then in Austria was provided with a host by the Red Cross. They have been awakened for a month for doubts between refugee stops, railroad stations, hopelessness of lost home and home.

Finally, at the end of December, they arrived at Cleveland, America, with the help of the Lutheran World Association. He considered this condition of his life to be a temporary condition that ended with the arrangement of home affairs. He did not plan to leave his home forever and did not cease to be Hungarian in America. His new spiritual home in America was built by his community work motivated by his homeland and his country-house. Living with freedom, openly proclaimed the idea of ​​revolution, preserving and cultivating Hungarian roots and traditions. Since 1992, Honorary Cleveland has been the main student of Hungary. Work in the community was granted by the Ohio State in 1996. In 2002, Ferenc Mádl was presented with the Central Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, acknowledging the activities of Hungarians.