On May 19-20, 2000, political and community leaders of Hungarian communities from 28 countries were invited by Prime Minister Viktor Orban to discuss: “Challenges for Hungarians at the Turn of the Century.” Among the two hundred guests who attended the Conference, were Coalition members Laszlo Bojtos, Robert Gabor, Laszlo Hamos, Peter Kurz, Edith Lauer, Laszlo Papp, Ilona and Janos Szablya, Zsolt Szekeres and Sandor Taraszovics.
Speeches focusing on how the Hungarian nation can promote its common interests and reintegrate all Hungarians without the change of borders were made by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi, Minister of Justice, Ibolya David, Economic Minister, Gyorgy Matolcsy, Cabinet Minister, Istvan Stumpf, State Secretary Zsolt Nemeth; Hungarian leaders in Slovakia, Bela Bugar, Pal Csaky and Miklos Duray; in Romania, Bela Marko and Reformed Bishop Laszlo Tokes; in Ukraine, Miklos Kovacs, and others.
Conference sessions focused on the following topics: “National culture in the world of globalization; “National political expectations and the future of the Hungarian diaspora;” and “The Hungarian economy in Europe – and in Central and East Europe.” Hungarian Human Rights Foundation President, Laszlo Hamos, proposed the establishment of a Council for Diaspora Hungarians. Edith Lauer, Coalition Chairman, spoke to the closing plenary session about the challenges the dwindling Hungarian community faces in the U.S. She advocated the satellite broadcast of DUNA TV’s programs in the U.S., where they could play a crucial role to strengthen Hungarian ethnic identity and appreciation of Hungarian culture and history. Both proposals were included in the final document of the conference.