News | Press Releases 1996

Hungarian American Coalition Representatives Meet with State Department Officials

Representatives of the Hungarian American Coalition met with James Holmes, Coordinator for Eastern European Assistance at the State Department, for an hour-long conference on Thursday, June 6, 1996. Coalition representatives included Anne Bader, Frank Koszorus, Jr., Edith K. Lauer, George Pogan, and Zsolt Szekeres. Also in attendance were David L. Cowles, Office of European Country Affairs, Bureau for Europe and New Independent States, and Michael Hurley, Office of the Coordinator for East European Assistant.

The Coalition urged the State Department officials to better utilize and take advantage of the expertise, knowledge and contacts of groups such as the Coalition in delivering foreign assistance programs.

Mr. Holmes and Mr. Cowles responded favorably and provided an overview of critical U.S. foreign policy interests in Hungary and the region.

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