News | Press Releases 2000

Hungarian American Coalition Meets with Republican Foreign Policy Advisors

Washington, D.C. – The Hungarian American Coalition (the “Coalition”) and other members of the Central and East European Coalition (the “CEEC”) met with Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and senior foreign policy advisors to Governor George W. Bush on Wednesday, July 26. The meeting was held at the National Republican Committee Headquarters in Washington, D.C. George Dozsa, President, and Frank Koszorus, Jr., Executive Board Member, represented the Coalition.

The discussion focused on the need to guarantee the security and independence of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the human and minority rights of the people of the region, as well as the right of self-determination.

Mr. Koszorus addressed the group and focused on an “enhanced Partnership for Peace program” that “has a clear purpose and one that has been transformed from a treadmill to a path to NATO membership.” In terms of continued enlargement of the Alliance, he called for the “development of clear standards for membership, U.S. assistance for countries in transition and a concrete schedule for consideration of new members.” During the discussion, Mr. Koszorus also noted that “security has several components, including minority rights.”

Other CEEC representatives addressed democracy building in the region and the need to restructure foreign assistance programs and facilitate increased trade and investment to expand economic relations between the United States and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The participants agreed to on-going consultations, and the CEEC reiterated its invitation to Governor Bush to an event sponsored by the ethnic communities in the Midwest.

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