News | Press Releases 2013

Éva E. Voisin, Esq., Honorary Consul General, Receives Hungarian Goverment Award

Eva E.Voisin, Esq., the Honorary Consul General of Hungary for Northern California, received the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary (Magyar Érdemrend Tisztikeresztje),  from President János Áder in Budapest on  March 15, 2013.

Eva E. Voisin, Esq.

Ms. Voisin is a  Board Member and long-time supporter of the Hungarian American Coalition. She has been assisting Northern Californians with  Consular matters, receives delegations, host  conferences and fundraisers for various Hungarian causes for over 25 years.

She organizes the “Hun cafés”, a monthly reunion of Hungarian-Americans of the San Francisco Bay Area to inform, unite and organize the community, welcome new arrivals, exchange job leads, share social and childrens’ activities.

She maintains the “Hun list”, an active electronic mailing list where she publishes a monthly community news and events calendar.

Ms. Voisin founded and remains active in the Hungarian American Chamber of Commerce in the US, Inc., in 1990, creating a business mentoring network for young professionals.  She is an active supporter of numerous Hungarian American organizations nationwide and in Hungary.

Ms. Voisin is an attorney at law, with an extensive business clientele. She was educated at the University of California, Los Angeles, Middlebury College, and the Sorbonne, Paris, and holds a JD degree. She speaks Hungarian, French, German and Spanish.

Ms. Voisin is also the 2003 recipient of the Pro Auxilio Civium Hungarorum prize and numerous other awards for her pro-bono legal and civic activities.

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