Dr. Endre Szentkirályi

Chairman of the Board

Born and raised in and near Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Endre Szentkirályi grew up speaking Hungarian in the household. He studied English and German at Cleveland State University, received an MA in English from the University of Akron, and earned his PhD in literary and cultural studies from the University of Debrecen in Hungary.

He is author of the books ‘Clevelandben még élnek magyarok? Visszaemlékezések gyűjteménye’, a collection of oral histories, as well as ‘Cold War to Warm Cooperation – the Military Service of Cleveland Hungarians: egy amerikai város magyar katonái 1950-2014’, and ‘Being Hungarian in Cleveland: Maintaining Language, Culture, and Traditions’ recently published in 2019. He has also worked on the 56Films documentaries “Inkubátor” and “Heritage,” both of which deal with Hungarian-American communities.

He is an avid scout leader and currently teaches English and German at Nordonia High School near Cleveland. He is the former president of the United Hungarian Societies, an umbrella organization encompassing 8 Hungarian churches and 13 civic organizations in the greater Cleveland area, and is currently the director of the Cleveland Hungarian School.